Just got my daughter's school schedule

She’s only going in twice a week until further notice. It’s going to be strange. She is stressing out.


Same here with my nieces. They are just livid. Sucks for the kids and no doubt for the parents if they need to buy daycare now.


Thankfully my daughter is 16 so she is pretty self sufficient


My 14 year old starts school Monday, but it’s distance learning only. She’s really bummed, especially because she’s grounded and isn’t allowed to hang out with friends or have any electronics except the computer at the kitchen table only for schoolwork. She’s really going to miss her friends for the next month.


Our kids are back in school but we’re getting like the second wave through so who knows how long this will last. Strange times for sure.

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Why is she grounded?
Could she be able to serve her sentence via a different type of punishment that doesn’t cause her to be isolated?

I’m not trying to teach you how to parent, because I don’t have children.
I just remember my father explaining that he’d rather give me extra unnecessary chores and restrictions than ground me, because he didn’t want me to feel like being at home with the family was a punishment.

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She snuck out of the house with her friend in the middle of the night and was brought home by the police at 4 in the morning. This is after she got caught having a 19 year old boy in her bed in the middle of a different night, and on yet another night she was caught getting high. She needs isolation right now

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She isn’t the one who committed the crime in this situation. I sure hope that adult man was prosecuted.


My husband believes them that they didn’t have sex. He wasn’t prosecuted.

My teens have 2 days of inperson school and 3 virtual.


It’s concerning that a 19 year old man is in the same bed as a 14 year old girl. Under any circumstances.


I’m so sorry. I don’t envy you. I was soooo worried about my daughter. She never ate anything healthy and she was a hard head who didn’t do well in school. She liked to drive me crazy. She’s 23 now. In college and maintained a job for years until recently. She said her boss was being a creep with her. She has one more semester b4 graduation.

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I agree. He’s not in the picture anymore. She’s moved on luckily.

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I’m glad you’re daughter will graduate soon. I guess all the trouble was worth it in the end

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If she doesn’t get a job soon I might stop paying her cell phone bill. She was at her last job for a long time but said her boss was a creep. People might not be hiring now though so idk. She’s been in contact with her dad’s family and her dad has a habit of joblessness and living off women. So I’m hoping his laziness isn’t influencing her. Before I became unable to work I had a good work ethic. Even when I had bronchitis I didn’t call off work. I just don’t want my daughter to become like her dad. I don’t think she will but it’s in the back of my mind.

I swear the reason women get fat after child birth is our cortisol levels raise through the roof (from worry and stress).


You might be on to something there with the cortisol levels. I think that is a real possibility. I agree with not paying the phone bill. That’s a good idea. I’d give her a deadline so she has a warning first

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Yeah. I planned on warning her. She’s got an apartment with a roommate right now and she’s living on savings.

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Savings go fast. Hopefully she can find a job. Lots of places aren’t hiring

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Yeah. You’re right. Sparrow said something to my dad about her manager being a creep so I guess she quit there. I mean she worked there for a long time. A few years I think.

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That’s too bad. I’m glad she quit. Better safe than sorry.

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