It’s 4am and the police were banging on our door because

My 14 year old stepdaughter snuck out in the middle of the night with her friend who spent the night and met up with a boy at the park. She keeps doing stuff like that. We don’t live in a safe neighborhood either. I wish she would behave for my husbands sake.


Scary but I am glad she was returned safe and sound

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Fourteen is a bad age for girls. With boys it is seventeen.


What a nightmare. How stressful. My daughter snuck out the window with a much younger girl once and walked to the gas station to get treats in the early morning hours in freezing temps. The sleepovers stopped after that.


They didn’t ticket her for being in park after hours or for curfew did they? I never was one to sneak out, it’s legal in WI to drink in your home at age 13 as long as your parent says ok and you don’t have friends with you. So that’s how I was at 14, online wrestling roleplaying boards and drinking…that was school.year though.

Summertime I stayed in SD with my grandparents and my Papa and I would be up all night on ebay looking at my goth girl and PVC days, he bought me that stuff or being on the WebTV chat room trivia games. While he watched MTV2 with me on the tv next to the one for the Webtv…I was up all night literally 9pm-11am. If we made fishing plans I’d get up at 4pm, lol.

But have you thought of those window and door alarms that you can buy that you set and they’d go off if she tried to sneak out, or anyone in?


We have an alarm on our door which wasnt charged last night. We’ll have to get more and keep them charged.

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