I’m now suffering from diabetes Wich sucks. I have to watch what I eat. I think that it’s the antipsychotics. I’m going to talk to my pdoc maybe he can change things.
I have diabetes and if you watch your diet it is manageable.
Of course medications and even some exercise is important.
Did your doctor put you on meds yet?
No, he wants to try to manage it with diet. My sugar is around 230. I hope I don’t need meds. I’m on enough already.
Your fasting blood sugar was 230?
Yes, kidda high.
Wow that is pretty high.
My blood sugar levels rarely reached the 200 level.
Don’t be disappointed if you need meds for it.
I am on Metformin, it’s a good med.
I’m surprised he didn’t at least give you Metformin with that fasting glucose. If I were you, I’d ask if I could have Metformin until you lose some weight and see where your sugar is then.
Yeah I’ll call my nurse.
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