Just a living body/robot

Since a few years before my 1st psychosis and before 1st diagnosis I feel like dead inside, no emotions, no mood, just a robot/body. I can see life but can’t live in it. I feel alone eventhough I have friends and talk to them daily. I don’t connect to them and feel forced to befriend them because I have nothing to do and will sleep all day otherwise. I feel like my psych is dead, no soul, no mind, no feelings. I feel different than others. I feel too distant from others.


Whats the point of life if I can’t live in it or feel it?

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Completely understood. Take a look at my tagline, that is how I feel. At a certain point we are living more for those we care about, than living for ourselves.


i feel the same im out of my life

people tell me how great i am

but they dont know the thoughts and hallucinations that run my body


I dont have your exact problems but this situation does seem stupid to me too.

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I hear you aziz, i can’t seem to live or integrate into normal society, something is wrong you know i said this before but i hope you are okay, buddy. i know life is hard but you got this/.//


What do you mean suicide or emotions are stupid. I know suicide sounds stupid.

Is this you?


Actually off meds I had robot voices. They’re the worst as they tell me to do bad things.

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Well your saying you feel nothing, but in my case I feel bored and unhappy just working every day and have little fun or pleasure. Im just saying living life without good feeling is like watching a movie with no action with the sound off, its stupid. I didnt say anything about suicide.

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I am bored and unhappy too.

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Well anyway try to keep a positive frame of mind. Thinking negative will release stress chemicals and f you up.

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Um? You seem to experience plenty of emotions, just not pleasurable ones.


Not positive emotions, only negative emotions but mostly I am flat.

I am just tired of staying in bed 24/7 for years. My brain is rotting.

I have EXACTLY the same issues :frowning:

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