Do you ever feel dead or empty inside?

Hey guys as above, thoughts?


Yes. I feel dead sometimes, then I bounce back, but then I’ll feel dead again. Some days are good, some days are dead boring with no mental creativity.

I blame the medications, but then sometimes I enjoy life. But yea I feel dead a lot of time

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That’s my constant state tbh

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One of my first delusions was claiming to be dead. Thankfully with APs it’s been a decade plus since I thought that way.

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Yes. Usually that’s my queue that I’m late on taking my meds.

Yes I feel this way a lot. Could be my sza depression or borderline or both

i use too, but now im right medication and i have goals in my life. So im looking forward to stuff now.

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Yes, in my early years i felt dead sometimes. Feelings come and go. I think sometimes the meds are to blame, but i have ways to share my good and bad feelings. Since i do my regular walks i feel better overall. I remember in the past somewhere i suicide inside as i just function. I haven’t got much to look forward to, i don’t want to put in the effort. I gave up in my mind as i had a lot of set backs. It sounds negative but i am happy when my life is over. I done my job on earth. Time to go.

I feel empty in the head when I can’t feel what I do is worthwhile. It’s a sort of disassociation.

I feel like my insides are pulled out and I’m a shell with nothing but dull feelings…
I am scared of death but I know I got to go someday
I’m not satisfied with my father
I wanna live the good old days
Im sick n exhausted living in fear

I’m not ready to go yet

I feel like a robot. :robot:

I don’t feel dead but kind of empty in the sense that the spark to life seems to be very effortful to try and make it appear.

It usually is effortless. I miss that

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