Jury duty 1515

I got a letter in the mail, I’ve been selected for jury duty… fu-ck!!! I have to fill out a questionare. I’m going to write them a later explaining my mental health issues. I hope I can get out of it. Anyways… whats new with you guys?


Yeah, you should be able to get out of it for having a mi.

Not much new with me. Our air conditioning is broken in the building and I’m waiting on some books and a bluray to be delivered.


Get an excuse from your pdoc if you have one. That’s what I did last time I got a jury summons. They didn’t end up picking my numbers anyway though.

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This is one opportunity you specifically want to say you have schizophrenia.

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I love jury duty. I consider it my civic duty. It’s an important part of the justice system. I find it interesting.

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@anon99082702 - I’ve never been diagnozed with schizophrenia (Though I have paranoia issues) I do have bad anxiety and depression though.

I hope your air conditioning gets fixed! @Montezuma

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I got selected for jury duty once as well. I just had my doctor write a note explaining I had a brain injury

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I got selected a few months back I just got a letter from my doctor and I was excused

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