Jehova withnessis put me in psychosis

this really cute woman keeps coming to my house over the past month, now i know her name lol .
and she has this really cute kid that asks me "do you think the bible is outdated?? with a big smile on her face and says “well let me tell you…” how can you say no to that :slight_smile:

i keep getting tricked cuz when they come to the door i keep thinking there selling girl guide cookies. if they were smarter they would bring me cookies :blush:


Mmmmmm… cookies… :cookie: I love thin mint… girl scout cookies.

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two mormons came to my door once , i told them i was the devil…they didn’t come back.
take care :alien:


I hide from them and be real quiet. My way of dealing with a lot of things -


I don’t have use for any form of organized religion. I don’t see much difference between them and most organized crime groups. Both extort people, one just threatens harm to you in this world and the other in the next.


I would like to appologize here for those two Jehovha’s Withnesses that came to my door. would like to appologize for my statement to every one that read or replyed. Maybe those two guys prayed for me to be healed from mental illness, i feel that my symptoms are improving, but at this moment i am also in delusion, but anyways whatever the reason of my delusion is, now i have a insight of my illness,
And i am praying for their well being.


Bipolar, sometimes psychotically manic, regularly borderline, often depressed, and trying to deal with it all with drugs and alcohol, I was looking for A Way Out. Someone I had the itch for was a JW, so I became a fellow traveler for a bit. They were too morally rigid and clannish for me, so I moved on. But the dynamic of the tight-knit, all-for-one and one-for-all pack mentality was appealing, even if I didn’t really get that at the time.

Scientology was next on the program. The book (Dianetics) was dandy for the first 300 pages, then it went verblungent into fantasies even I wasn’t willing to buy… and the price of “getting clear” was astronomical.

Then a co-worker handed me a magazine article about Erhard Seminars Training (est). It seemed utterly dead on to my (suspect) way of thinking, so I went and did the two weekends. I was wholly captured for the next several months until a pair of very forgiving femmes who sort of came with it sidetracked me. Thank God. est was the most potent and fastest acting mass brainwashing of it’s time. (It’s still around, but it’s called Landmark Forum and/or Landmark Education now.)

Later on, I fell in with a slick, but ethical, Beverly Hills psychologist who pointed me towards authors like Eric Hoffer, Robert Lifton, and Margaret Thaler Singer. They were so edifying about the way the cults sucked me in that I saw how similarly things worked to my own family of origin. And THAT was the key to the Door that opened onto the hallway out of learned helplessness and unquestioning belief.

Some time later, I found Mark Galanter, Michael Langone, Stephen Hassan, Kathleen Taylor, Charles Tart and Arthur Deikman. With their help, I not only came to grips with my obsession for mind control cults, but developed an understanding of how certain types of parents unconsciously set up their homes rather like cults, often driving their children into ego-fractured borderlinism, and occasionally tipping their more genetically predisposed children over into florid psychosis. Then it was on to Gregory Bateson, Paul Watzlawick, Don D. Jackson and John Weakland, and their concept of the “double bind,” a crazy-making family dynamic that is identical to what the cults use to snare, trap and ultimately suck the life out of new members.

The dis-cover-ies didn’t “cure” my various ills, but they have helped =hugely= to make it possible to divest my self of all the shame I’d bought into for decades… and do the dialectical behavior therapy, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and acceptance & commitment therapy that have (along with Seroquel quetiapine) really made life worth living again.

OK - another discussion about religion that is causing friction in the community here, thus why we try to not encourage these discussions.

I’m closing this thread from comments.