well when I was young I preferred dogs to cats. had a couple growing up, the truth about dogs is often times they are great to their owners. but viscious little beasts to outsiders… I have had so many dogs bark at me, and chase me when I was walking all over town. like the neighbor just lets her pitbull run wild and she runs in our yard and chases the groundhogs, anyways the other day I was walking down the driveway and she totally ran onto our property and tried to prevent me from getting to mom and dad’s house. I was sure she was going to attack me. it pissed me off, so now I walk with a golf club when im crossing the street in case that little carnivore attacks me and I need to defend myself.
Truth be known, I don’t like dogs either. I’m more of a cat person.
I’ve been there. Once I was walking our old dog on the bike trail and these three bigger dogs surrounded us. I held our dog up to my chest and gave one of the offending dogs a quick solid kick to the snout. It yelped and they all backed off.
I like our current dogs but don’t have much patience for other people’s dogs.
I’ve always been a cat person.
it was the last straw for me the other day. I was so ready to move, the stupid neighbor just lets their obviously dangerous dog run wild and it comes at me on my own turf.
they have had it since it was a puppy, it’s always tried to sneak up on people. when it was little it was scared of people but now it’s like 2 or 3 years old and getting into its prime and has no fear of people. it doesn’t like to be petted either.
she apologized, the neighbor and I didn’t say a word back to her. I slept on it that night, and decided to stay here until 2026 at least, but now I carry a 8 iron with me when I cross the street.
mom said “you should have let it bite you, so we could sue them” I was like, no way im not getting bit by a pitbull.
If you fear for your safety I’d make a complaint to the police. You shouldn’t have to arm yourself just to walk to your parent’s house.
yeah maybe I should say something.
Make a complaint and record it in your yard and running loose. Most places have leash laws
I guess I could set up my wildlife camera over at mom and dad’s to catch it running through our yard. good idea.
like I said, it was the last straw. between the road noise, barge noise, gunshots, dogs, and location I’ve had about enough of this place. ready to move back to familiar territory or somewhere else. of course as fate would have it, im stuck here for the next 4 to 6 years because of finances. so will have to make the most of it I guess in the meantime.
I love all animals but yeah dogs don’t like me. They are sensitive and unpredictable. I mean like some of them are cute and super friendly which helps, but I guess I give off a nervous vibe when I’m around them. I get along with cats better.
it’s fine towards its owner. and they actually have a lot of people that stop by the house and our on their property and it doesn’t bother their visitors. but it doesn’t like me and comes on our property and gets territorial, this is the 2nd or 3rd run in I’ve had with this thing. it’s like it can sense my fear of it.
I understand why the neighbors would want an intimidating dog, they were robbed a couple years ago. of course it turned out to be a couple of their pot head sons friends who stole from them. but they still haven’t learned their lesson and have a lot of visitors to their place. it’s actually just a women and her son, the women owns a successful hair salon in town, and her son sits inside all day and doesn’t do ■■■■. I don’t talk to either one of them, but we have had a couple exchanges in town.
Dogs are so needy, it’s off-putting.
Yeah my dog Charlie is like that, it’s annoying
I love dogs.
That is all, folks!
I have 2 dogs and don’t really want them. I like our older one fine. The younger not so much. I had a sweet female a couple years ago I had to give up so I hold a lot of resentment towards these dogs.
You need to call animal control on her dog. It is not safe to just let your dog, especially a powerful and big one like a pitbull, run around loose. Not safe for people or the dog. That will hopefully teach her a lesson.
I love dogs but I definitely look down on owners who do not take proper care of them and/or do not socialize them properly so that they are a danger to others.
I am actually dealing with a situation myself where I agreed to a petsitting job where the owner did not tell me her dogs were not socialized well. Their rottweiler (who was very sweet when she introduced me to him) almost attacked me when I got back from going out to dinner because it forgot who I was in the time I was gone. Really terrible!
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