Finally getting back to a normal frame of mind. I’ve ■■■■■■■ changed though and its bs. Maybe after a few more years I’ll be more natural like a normie. I’m excited to live this illness down. Not to excited about facing life’s challenges once I get better. Good day folks.
yey glad your feeling a bit better than you were!
Yeah it took a couple months but I’ve adjusted to my lower dose and things really are starting to clear up.
good I think I had a bad reaction to ginklo biblo and Korean ginseng note to chizophrenics although Korean ginseng anf ginklo biblo helps memory it can react badly with anti depressants and iduce a manic episode.
I am glad that you are adjusting to the lower dose Bryan.
Since lowering my dose of Risperdal under the 2 mg mark, I have been feeling out of sorts, anxious and a bit moodier and irritable in the mornings.
I am starting to wonder if it is not withdrawals anymore - its been about 2 weeks at this lower dose.
I may just switch to another ‘safer’ AP and get myself to a decent dose
I have a feeling that it’s not going to be years… you seem to be doing better more quickly.
Funny that you mentioned this Snowy - My pdoc was unsure that I would be successful at getting off of antipsychotics completely - she said that I have been on them for a long time, and my brain has gotten used to them.
I am not ancient, but I am no Spring chicken either - I really think that my brain has gotten so used to antipsychotics that I am finding it difficult to function normally on lower doses - and this really sucks big time
I’ll probably stick with 4 mg for a while. But yeah I don’t like the risk of diabetes, td, growing tits, pituitary rumors and the list goes on. At least I feel good for once right now.