I will post a positive thread and then, as if I complete forget the feeling, I swing to a very negative idea in a matter of minutes. That makes me emotionally chaotic and no one you would want to need.
It doesn’t bother me. I always feel like I’m bothering people, if I post negative things, but it doesn’t bother me when other people do.
Negative posts are more work to respond to but we can’t just be fair weather friends. Just because that’s not the way the world is. Sometimes we’re in the light, sometimes we’re in the dark.
I do that alot. My thoughts sort of race up and down.
I get guilty if I write negative posts - like I’m depressing people. But I need to rant sometimes.
Also want to support others ranting
Just wrote a hectic post now about voices and aggressive thoughts he put in my head tonight
Dunno if people will like it but needed to get it out for support. … had a mini voice attack
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