It really sux, my really nice and awesome case manager who I was assigned to for years is leaving for another position.
I’m really going to miss her, she was the best!
Now I’m waiting on my new case worker to contact me.
Hopefully she’ll be just as nice.
I’ve had some really nice case workers over the years but I’ve had some doozies also.
That sucks I also have a great amazing case manager and I think they change them every 8 months I’m not too sure if they changed the rules I hope they did
I hope your new one is helpful too. All my case managers have been kind. One treated me like I was 5 and I didn’t care for that. It really angered my husband. She was nice but condescending a bit. Good luck!
I’ve had really good luck with my last few case managers. Fingers crossed!! In the meantime, I really like my new pdoc so at least I’ll be able to maintain that relationship!!