It's time to stop hating ourselves

As szs, we seem to find plenty of reasons to hate ourselves. It’s time to open up the channels to our minds and turn the hate into love. Because if the virus looks for someone to attack, it will choose the self hater as easy prey. (My theory, only.) So, love thyself, my forum friends. :slightly_smiling_face:


I used to hate myself, prolly those meds that has changed that.

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I meditated for an hour last night. Everytime a negative thought came back I just refocused. Helps me stay positive


Sounds like a bully this virus lol


I don’t hate myself. I do my best to treat everyone with respect. I don’t do it perfectly all of the time, but I know I’m doing my best and that’s good enough for me.


I don’t hate myself. The voices hate me, and I have to stick up for myself all the time.

The more I get my meds straightened out the more I love being me :heart: I’m feeling better than I have in years now. Plus things have gotten a lot better for me over the past year. I’m finally starting to create and feel more playful again. When my meds were off I felt terrible. I had so many days where I just slept most of the day away and felt depressed and down on myself. I felt like a failure as a wife, mother, daughter. Never settle for feeling empty. Things can change along with times and med adjustments.


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