The June bugs arrived just on time. They are so completely disgusting. At least they only last a few weeks. Icky bugs.
I hate those things so much. Living in Indiana we got them really bad. Not so much here in Oregon. I remember growing up we’d put the bag catcher things in our fruit trees and collect thousands of them every few days. It was so gross.
Or holding my arm or head out the window of my dad’s truck on the way home after soccer games and having them pelt you and leave welts. Ah memories. Lol
Tomorrow all the magpies will be here to feast on them. I’m scared of birds so I hope they are done their feast by afternoon. I’m so glad they don’t last long. Yuck
I dont know them…how big are they? And they come with many? Iew.
Oh that is definitely gross. In Virginia we have the 17 year cicadas, last time they were around I was about 20 years old. They come up from the ground to mate and die, there are quarter sized bug corpses freaking everywhere.
Yea i hate those bugs lol
gross 1515151515
Do they fly?1515
That’s what they’re called here because they are so abundant during the Christmas season.
They are sweet. Don’t kill them
We used to catch them and tie strings to their legs, then fly them as kites! I love June bugs!
we’re about due for a mayfly invasion any week now. they are gross little things. they breed on the water and we live right on the river. despite the name mayfly, they show up in june and live for about a week or two.
and @agent101g, I think we get the cicadas too here in Indiana. they’ve showed up twice in my life so far. the last time I was mowing lawns and they would swarm the mower. they make the evilest sound.
I HATE them. My former in-laws had an infestation of them in their home in Georgia. They were even inside the pictures on the walls!
Just slightly smaller than the picture
Sort of. They are always flying into the windows
The magpies eat them
aww I always loved junebugs…my dog curly would eat them when the light was on at the back patio outside and the junebugs would swirl all over the concrete patio and curly had a big tummy afterwards…I am sorry if that’s gross but I thought it was funny at the time.
Near the lake we get tons of fish flies. I think that they are called mayflies
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