Gross, gross and more gross

The maintainence worker at my apt complex just invited me over to an abandoned apartment to see if I want any of their stuff. I started picking stuff out for my daughter, who just moved to her first apartment, and my hands got sticky. I freaked the f**k out and ran screaming(practically) from the apartment to run home to wash my hands. Anyway there is a lot of good stuff so I called to let my daughter know to come get some stuff. Lets see if she can handle the stickiness.



What is the sticky stuff (please tell me it’s jelly)?

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@kindness I have NO IDEA that’s why I freaked out. We should just say jelly or gummy snacks and pray that’s all


Be careful of bed bugs


@5713 omg don’t even go there

Maybe put stuff in oven or dryer heat will kill them 140 degrees for a certain amount of time

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@5713 luckily we don’t have bed bugs or fleas here. And as far as I’ve ever known we only have deer ticks. So were pretty safe from stuff like that. It’s the weather here I think that interrupts their lifecycles.

That’s good we used to be free of them also for like 50 years then people started bringing them from overseas now we have them again.

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You should be grateful he invited you over

I second the warning about bedbugs. Those things are no joke!


Bedbugs are like lice, they can go anywhere. But especially anything fabric or upholstered. Be careful of beds, upholstered furniture, drapes, carpets, clothes, blankets, pillows etc.

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