Its really hard

That im losing my independence. Im worried im making too much of a sacrifice, but i guess i could always try again later. But i really do not have hope that i can ever be independent truly. I can never cook or clean so my diet and exercising habits are awful.


Think of it as just a tactical retreat. When you’re at your parents’ place you can practice all those things.


You’re doing what you have to moon, and your making good choices for yourself.

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What @everhopeful said. Just look at it like a temporary reset. If it ends up being more, you can accept that over time, but for now, you really need the support and deserve to devote your full time and energy to your recovery. I know it won’t be perfect based on your family relationships, but I think it’s the right decision, and you will benefit greatly from it.


My moms a violent alcoholic. I dont know if things are atill that way, but i know she still drinks

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My brains were scrambled eggs for eight months until I got therapy. Don’t feel bad or lose hope. You’re running a marathon with sandbags tied to your legs.

With exercise, I put on Youtube Music and dance like a spaz in my room. Try finding exercise that is fun for you, that’s the key to keep doing it. Do you like DDR? Talk your parents into getting a dance pad. Biking is fun. Or, if it must be indoors, just deny yourself a snack until you’ve done five pushups. Make it a ritual. Every time the fridge opens, five pushups


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