me and her are screwed if dad goes first. he does so much around the house. I don’t think I can fill his shoes when he’s gone. he’s a bit under the weather today. he had an upset stomach from what he thinks was caused by eating under cooked salmon. I was going to try and get him to help me with something but he’s not doing anything today until he feels better.
Do you feel like you rely too much on your parents?
I probably do now. I used to be very independent before I was diagnosed. im thinking I should get back to work soon if I can. the main thing is they are like the only people I see during the week, so it helps that they’re close when im feeling lonely. they have been pushing me to go out with friends more. they say “what are you going to do when we’re not around?”…I say get in assisted living or gov’t housing or something.
I should make it a goal to become more independent again.
We’re all dependent. It can’t be avoided simply because life here is so complex. More than one person is needed to navigate.
That’s a hard conversation to have. I think your relationship with your parents is significant for you. I also hope you can reach more independence.
I am very close to my parents. I am living with them until my name comes up on the waiting list for an apartment with the Housing Authority. I try and do as much for myself as possible though. I have always kind of been independent. I don’t like people doing things for me. Sometimes i need to accept help when i need it though. Maybe it’s pride, i don’t know.
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