It's not what voices I hear, its 'how' I'm hearing the voices.

Hey I basically just wanted other peoples thoughts on this, if you have ever heard voices or know somebody who does?

When I hear voices in my head, which has not been going on for too long in my life, its quite new to me still.
When it started I lived in a rural area, but I thought the best way to explain it is that it’s like hearing someone talking to you on a house phone from outside your bedroom window.

They say all sorts of stuff, normally its quiet entertaining, but don’t get me wrong it can also be very scary if I become agitated because of it.

Since moving to a suburban area the voices just sound like my neighbors talking but I still get the ‘open telephone line’ mumbling or murmur of voices as an occasion in my days.

I have had spells of not hearing voices at all for periods of up to 6 months.

When I do hear the voices in my head it usually would start roughly 10 minutes after dosing my anti-psychotic medicine at 7pm. It usually fades out to nothing within 15 minutes and I fall asleep at a normal time.

My family and doctors have several conspiracy theories about what is actually happening inside me to cause this.
They have told me I become quite upset and aggressive at 4pm every day and I am aware of it.

I wanted to know what other peoples experiences are with their voices? Is it similar to my daily description of what happens to me or is it completely different all together?

I’ve got a complicated physical health history which makes it very hard for doctors to decide what to prescribe me for my mental health.

My latest strategy was to ask the doctors for the medication that I know I am the most highly allergic to, and take it homeopathic-ally (children’s dose) so I don’t get unwanted side effects. This was an extreme, extreme last resort of mine after suffering from suffocation fits and panic attacks throughout the night awake hearing distressing voices on my previous medicine.

Just wanted to know anybody else’s thoughts, idea’s or experiences about what I’m describing?
Or if you think whats going on for me would be a blessing for you, you could talk to your doctor and family about following my example and trying it out.

One precaution I would take if you are going to try homeopathic medication is to make sure your allergy isn’t an allergy that makes you aggressive. I know this from experience, I’m mainly allergic to 2 drugs: “prozac” - I suffer from the allergy hypermania on which has caused some serious problems in the past. That is the drug I completely avoid. “Haloperidol Injections” - I get lower body paralysis on (I have to sit in a wheelchair for 3 hours until a doctor can give me an antidote injection) . The drug I’m taking homeopathically at the moment is the Haloperidol and its not prescribed on body weight I based the dose on the maximum daily based on how allergic I am to it.

Have a think about it and let me know.
I seriously wanted to know if anyone else hears something where its like you can hear someone talking on the phone but nobody in your house talking on it?

Mine sounded like whispering and laughing from a distance. I walked through my neighborhood and every house I walked by I heard a 35 year old blonde woman laughing and talking. She seems really intelligent. But my voices were practically indistinguishable gibberish. Some experiences may be completely different!! They don’t know much about the science of voices in schizophrenia I don’t think. I just know I heard these whispers in the distance. Or music from empty cars. Or singing when everything was off, knocking and no one was there. Harmonicas playing, women laughing and gossiping. That’s usually how it manifests for me.

Welcome to the board I think you will find a lot of support and info you’re looking for here. Peace!!

Homeopathy is nothing more than a placebo. You’re hearing voices and you’re off meds.

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The acute discrepancy in the information that you are mentally happening as is with the bit that any of that mental symbolism means anything to do with neighbors, and not only that that it has anything to do with a pseudo phenomenon; tele-transmission.

Your thoughts are not your neighbors nor anything else’s, and there is no human tele-transmission phenomenon. You’re thoughts, feelings, and signals to activate any muscles including jaw and tongue are informationous in nature. Information exists as a phenomenon in the basic ol’ subject + predicate context, so that the predicate is describing the subject. It is that way because that is how objective nature really is, so if any information isn’t that way, it makes no sense.

A logical fallacy is when information doesn’t match objective reality. That means that the subject is not a real phenomenal subject in objective nature. Or it can mean that the predicate is not a real predicate in nature. Or the predicate is real, but it doesn’t describe the real subject. These are logical fallacies, and that kind of information contradicts objective nature. Objective nature cannot contradict itself, but our minds can, and they do most of the time. Remember that.

So the mind is a subject, and the predicate that it is of a pseudo tele-transmission phenomenon is a false predicate, therefore any information that suggests the mind is like this is a logical fallacy.

Therefore the mental information that means “voice messages from neighbors” is really just logical fallacy being rendered by your brain organ like your organs may create substances like bile or blood. The brain renders information, and that is your mind. What it means is based on the correlative properties, and it’s always in the subject + predicate context. To say that this stuff that your brain organ is manufacturing all of the time is something from your neighbors or anything else is preposterous when you really figure out what you’re really doing in yourself. Once you get it figured out, you’ll agree I think. :slight_smile:

Hi, Gratitude.
My understanding of what your saying is that. What your saying sounds pretty real, and normal. To me anyway.
I’m not bothered when a vehicle drives past or I pick up on whispering or laughing but i guess if it was happening all the time all around me I might question why and become a bit hypertense about it being a little too normal and regular for one person to handle. The stuff about seeing the blonde lady, well there’s gotta be tons of blonde ladies in houses. That to me sounds like a personal struggle that haunts you. Have you had trouble with blonde ladies in the past? or do you happen to be a blonde lady? I do find that strange. What is it about the blonde lady that’s confronting you like that?

Hi, everhopeful. Ahh look, I don’t think you understand the circumstances of me using the word homeopathic.
I took a 100mL injection of the pill i take at the moment and i basically would have been in a wheelchair for up to 3 months that’s how allergic I am to it. Homeopathic and placebo. Hrmm. That sounds completely incorrect by definition. Placebo means your taking nothing and you think your taking something. Homeopathic means your taking something seriously toxic to your body that could do serious potential harm, however your only consuming the toxic substance at a minute dosage to minimize the potential harm. I’ve been taking my medicine every day for the last 9 years solid. I mean it sort of offends me too you know. I make a simple remark on here about something extremely serious and I’ve said it in complete honesty. What would you rather have, me dead on my previous medication? or me being able to talk to you now? rationally, calm and collected, without hearing voices?

Hey DMA,
Well, I see a few things in what your saying.
Thats kinda like a shake-spear hamlet saying you got there. “to be or not to be”. From what your saying I’m getting a “to believe its real or not to believe its real”.
I see value in it.
I appreciate it.
Look if i could trust or believe any doctor that I’ve ever come across I would be lying.
But the doctors do often say “its all fake, its all in your head, its not real”.
But hey what I’m actually trying to say is I know my neighbors and they know me like really well.
Even if i do recognize their voices and I recognize that its “all in my head, or fake” like basically what I’m trying to say is how does that help anyone? Whether its a psuedo phenomena or not; that ‘is’ what I experience so it is real for ‘me’ because my brain is making it real, whether it is or it isn’t. Personally even when its bad, really bad, i try and force myself to believe its real just for a thrill, just to see how my mood curbs and how the voice curbs next.
The thing that’s helped me the most is being able to recognize who the voices are. Not whether their real or fake. To be honest with the real or fake thing, I basically don’t believe any of it either way.

My mom is a blonde lady. I’m a brown haired dude. I didn’t see this woman but I knew she was blonde I could feel it in her voice. Or at least that’s how I pictured her.

I’ve only had few hearing voices episodes, but when I heard them they were intense and a lot of them all at once.

Everhopeful is 100% correct about you not being on any meds. You’re drinking plain water. The only effects are the placebo effects. Any good doctor will tell you that. You might as well stop paying for your pricey, ineffective placebo water, spend that money on anything else, and just be thankful that you don’t actually need meds and are completely recovered.

“Biases are present in placebo-controlled trials of both homoeopathy and conventional medicine. When account was taken for these biases in the analysis, there was weak evidence for a specific effect of homoeopathic remedies, but strong evidence for specific effects of conventional interventions. This finding is compatible with the notion that the clinical effects of homoeopathy are placebo effects.

" Homeopathic preparations are not effective for treating any condition; large-scale studies have found homeopathy to be no more effective than a [placebo](, indicating that any positive effects that follow treatment are not due to the treatment itself but instead to factors such as normal recovery from illness, or [regression toward the mean]"

The “theory” behind homeopathy is completely idiosyncratic to the “field” of homeopathy, i.e. it is not based on any kind of scientific knowledge, and the accumulated evidence clearly shows that homepathy has no effect beyond the placebo effect.

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Hi, Treebeard.
to give you an honest answer, i learnt about the term at a natropathy school where i was a student.
if you believe the saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, why would homeopathy not work?
if you wanna know the honest truth, if i take any more of my medicine i could die overnight at the click of a finger. Even my doctors know that. This is the only thing that has even come close to working. For me anyway.
We use the term in natropathy because a lot of the medication you can get, and basically street drugs, are actually made from plants originally. The plants are dangerous for us. This is why chemists and doctors have been working on this for hundreds of years. Look I’ll be even more honest with you about my medical beliefs.
Have you seen the Bayer Logo? the snake on the sword. well snakes are poisonous aren’t they?

Your reasoning is vague and largely irrelevant. You haven’t provided a single concrete argument except that you went to school for this. Which isn’t actually a very solid argument. The fact that you studied this does not make it any less of a pseudoscience. I am glad that it works for you, but you are wasting your money on water. It’s the placebo effect that is working for you. You don’t need your homeopathic water in any way at all. You’re recovered and don’t need meds.


“It is real for me because my brain is making it real.” First of all, what is real that your brain is making?

That’s a very important question to answer. What is your brain making?

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