The voices I hear typically sound like the people around me. How strange can this get
Happens like that to me too.
How do you handle it?
I take meds and remind myself it’s not real, it’s basically just a complex way my brain hypothesizes what they WOULD say if they could hear my thoughts and such. But I know they can’t. I’ve done thought experiments. They don’t steal my credit card information and such, which would be logical. There are other thought experiments one can do, but basically it was either that everyone was in on a giant conspiracy and I was living in the matrix or that I was suffering from delusions and auditory hallucinations, ie it was all in my mind. With the help of meds I’m able to get past all that and live life. Mostly.
Did the voices ever completely go away?
Nah they occasionally chime in but it’s less frequent and less bothersome. Are you on meds?
No but I hope the day I do get on medication the voices will completely go away.
It takes a little while to kick in all the way and it takes finding the right med for you individually. It’s a process. I used to be very anti med, like I believed nature made me flawless, but after some struggling and realizations I’ve found I enjoy life more when I’m more sane, so to speak. I’m more productive and less prone to outbursts. I believe pills are a tool to help us cope with the bizarre environment we’ve created for ourselves as a society. I also figured out that, for me, at least, the voices seem to have a somewhat limited vocabulary. They rarely surprise me but when they do it trips me up. Scientists believe it’s a part of our brain. You know how they say we only use ten percent of our brains? Schizophrenics use more. We create hypothetical situations and conversations, we find symbols in mundane things. Sure, it might all be a matrix filled with pixies and angels and demons and aliens. But for me spending all my time thinking about that was impractical, dangerous, and a waste of time. I have other goals besides being some new age philosopher. I find I can still study all that stuff and believe what I want to believe on the pills but I’m more suited to get along in society. Also a good amount of my conclusions were just made from using the voices as a magic eight ball and were frankly false. Just because aliens might exist doesn’t mean they’re talking to you and harvesting your negative energy, it’s more likely that your unhappiness is based on evolution because contented ness does not breed success in the animal kingdom. Which could being being harvested for its pain and suffering by other dimensional beings…but regardless of all that nonsense it’s all hypothetical and gets in the way of me enjoying my life. We can get philosophical about Plato and his shadows on the cave but at the end of the day I need to get some sleep and meds help that.
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