Honestly, the amount of cash ive spent over the years… Holy shiit !!
Ive got medical insurance and i run them dry lol.
Im so grateful to have a support team and structure in place for me.
But yea, the money, my god !!
Honestly, the amount of cash ive spent over the years… Holy shiit !!
Ive got medical insurance and i run them dry lol.
Im so grateful to have a support team and structure in place for me.
But yea, the money, my god !!
It really is damn expensive. I also have a medical aid but there’s the monthly premium and co-payments.
I don’t pay nothing for pdoc, therapist and meds, here are “free”.
But private therapist are so expensive, a few years ago I went to a private therapist who charged €70 for one hour.
Not if you live in the UK.
My antipsychotic alone would cost almost 600 dollars without insurance. It went from being $3.65 with Medicaid to $1.25 with medicare.
Some of my other pills cost between 20 and 100 dollars without insurance. It’s $1.25 each for the pills now.
I don’t know how much the day program or transportation to my medical appointments costs the state. Not sure how much therapy or psychiatry costs either.
First I got medicaid as a kid, kept it as an adult due to low income, then got Medicare after I got SSDI. I also get services from the department of mental health and the department of developmental services.
I am an expensive person overall but I try not to spend too much money.
Yes, I agree it’s expensive here in the USA. Glad I have insurance to help.
They try to milk us dry here in the US. I’m sure glad I have good health insurance.
Without health insurance you can easily go broke.
Thank goodness I’m covered!
I get free dental care too
My medication free
My therapy free
I do computer course run by local council free
everything is impossible w/o insurance. Even insurance is high. That’s why the outcry in America for the poor to have affordable health care. Everybody in health care is getting rich because of greed here.
I live in Canada, so everything is free.
I imagine it would suck though if i had to pay for all this stuff.
Those Invega shots that they put me on for a short time cost the insurance company 1000 dollars apiece… and for a drug that didn’t do anything for me.
Seriously, I love Canada.
When I was on Latuda, it would have cost me $1,300 for a months supply worth
It’s free with disability support.
I get all my medications covered by my health insurance with my SSI that I receive. Don’t know if it’s medicaid or Medicare I always get confused by that. I also get free dental which is a big help as well. I go for basic cleaning every 6 months. Without all of this I would be spending around $500 - $600 a month on medications alone which would be very costly. Thank the lawd I have all of this.
Here is a lot cheaper!
The costly things are the appointments with the docs.
Aripiprazole and clozapine costs less than 5€ each and risperidone too for 2 months supply…The bad news is that new meds sometimes take more time to get here.
I think it’s stupid for the countries to charge more for the meds, usually people with our illness are poor and they could save tax money in prisons and improve people quality in their work, or in other words, people could be more productive and bring more money to the economy if they were willing to try the meds, which if it was cheaper I think they wouldn’t mind so much.
My AP is so expensive I haven’t been paying a copay for prescriptions since May. Normally my AP is $8 and the generics are $4. Without insurance I would be paying over $2000 a month for my scripts. I don’t know who could afford that.
I went without that support since I worked for long time.
It’s like If you make a certain amount of money per year the help entirely disappears. It’s a weird system.
It’s like I’d need to purposely make less to get those type of benefits
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