I’m kind of confused about NaBen (SyneuRx). Is that Sodium Benzoate?
We need to set up a gofundme account so @far_cry0 can get these meds.
I’m kind of confused about NaBen (SyneuRx). Is that Sodium Benzoate?
We need to set up a gofundme account so @far_cry0 can get these meds.
there he is @far_cry0 missed ya buddy…
Thanks for checking in bro. Hopefully you make it back one day.
They also suppose to work on positive symptoms no? I feel like the negatives come from the meds themselves…
Hi revv, i can confirm years ago my initial psychosis symptoms was paranoia and negative symptoms and depression but not hallucinations or delusions (severe positive symptoms)
There is nothing it seems for negative symptoms so the meds working for positive symptoms are propably making the other aspect of the disease worse at this time.