It was the war - nothing personal

That made me mistrust my peers and not make friends. I hope to understand and overcome this.

Bitterness and desire to get even keep me living in fear. I need to forgive.

yush i think so too… you need to forgive people so you don’t have any negative energy lingering around.


What war? WWII? The Korean War?

WW2. I was a baby. My father was German. The neighbors thought we were enemies.

That’s tough. My neighbors didn’t want me playing with their kids because my dad was a violent drunk.

I was also neglected at home and smelled. I wet my pants often out of fear and no one cleaned me up. So I’d walk around smelling. My skin was also scaling off due to malnutrition. I was ostracized for it and other kids parents didn’t allow them to play with me. So I understand being an outcast. It’s really difficult


I couldn’t make friends because I couldn’t trust my peers. They had been taught to hate us.

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Yeah. You were ostracized. I’m so sorry

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Think of Operation Paperclip when USA were very interested in importing nazi scientists to boost its own research. History is grey, not black and white.


It has been said that war is a nation in psychosis.

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Will there be an upcoming military war between the USA & China? There already was a trade war which was started by the 45th POTUS.

I think, as a people, the majority of both societies would prefer not to go to war.

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The Chinese government is corrupt. They’ve got people in jail for speaking out against the government. They also kill healthy citizens to sell their organs. @anon9798425 knows more about it than I do. Plus there is no freedom of religion.

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But that would be cause for civil war in China. Our whole presence in Vietnam was due to our being caught up in their civil war.

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The Communist Party of China is currently fighting corruption as best it can. There are over 90 million members of the CPC where some are corrupt. Speaking out against the government is not tolerated and there are other methods to criticize the government. Organ harvesting is no longer practiced in China. There are many healthy Chinese citizens that live good and fulfilling lives in China. Most Chinese citizens can practice their choice of religion as long as their leader, bishop, pastor, etc. is appointed by the CPC.

China and the US are 2 totally different cultures and societies with different values & beliefs. I could speak out against the US for its misdeeds and unwarranted practices but I would get banned by the moderators for doing that. This is an American English website that holds to American values unlike those of China.

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Yes, the Chinese Civil War and the division in the 2 Korea’s have not been resolved. The Vietnam War concluded when the North Vietnamese won over the South Vietnamese and their US supporters.


Don’t be shy. Pm me if you want. I happen to know that there are humanitarian issues with the US government. I’m open to hearing what you know. Personally I don’t think there’s a government in this entire world which isn’t corrupt in one way or another. I know very little about Chinese culture.

Before my schizophrenia I was big into fighting human rights violations. I wasn’t really an activist. I just signed a lot of petitions

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I appreciate your offer to have a closed door discussion about US & China relations but I must regrettably decline. Similarly to Korean & Japanese culture, those 2 societies practice Confucianism just like China where age & gender play a pivotal role in East Asian society. How we greet, how we speak and how we conduct ourselves when communicating with unfamiliar people. East Asians respect those who are older and most of the time who come from the male lineage. But even those traditional ways of thinking have repercussions upon East Asian societies.

Human rights violations is really dependent on the eye of the beholder. Do those of whom are called victims really are victims from whose perspective?

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Human rights violations are not “in the eye of the beholder”. That’s a very dismissive attitude towards human rights. And I think the millions of people China has locked up in concentration camps can be called victims, yes.


There are no concentration camps where people are killed like that in Nazi Germany in China. Re-education camps and production factories are used to utilize the skills of human capital. But also, China is the most populous nation on planet earth so it is expected there would be a wide variety and range of people that would not conform to laws & regulation of the government. There are Asian countries that view human rights differently than Western countries.