It’s worth it

I’m 52 today. I post on here often when I’m struggling because I know people on this forum will understand. But, today I want to say to everyone, especially the younger members, LIFE IS WORTH IT.
I’ve had really bad things happen, and I’ve struggled for many years. I’ve wanted to end my life many many times, but I can honestly say that I’m glad I didn’t because the moments of happiness and good really do make it worthwhile. Plus, I have grown as s person and healed from where I was.
If you’re currently struggling, hang on and keep trying. Life is worth it, and so are you. :heart:


I’m 22. Life can’t teach me anything new.

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I’m jk btw…

Happy birthday

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That’s a pretty normal opinion of a 22 year old. I’m sure I felt the same way. But if you think life can’t teach you anything new, then be proactive and teach yourself new things. There’s always more. I’ve been surprised many times, and I’m not done yet.

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Oh, lol. Well, thank you :heart:

Happy birthday @Hedgehog! And thanks for the positive message!

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Happy birthday :balloon::birthday::gift::tada::confetti_ball:

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Happy birthday hedgehog :cake:

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Happy Birthday @Hedgehog!!

I’m 38, and I agree with you. As I’ve gotten more mature with age I’ve noticed my symptoms have become more manageable.

Take care, and I hope you have an awesome Birthday!


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Happy Birthday Hedgehog!! So glad you are alive today. This illness is so scary and some of us don’t live because of suicide. I have been suicidal too. I am happy to be alive today. My life is better and I have learned to live for the good days. Hope your day is awesome! Again Happy Birthday!


Good message. Thank you.

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