It really does get better

So, I’m 51, and my life seems to just be starting. I had another rough patch the past few days or so, but it all seems to be growing pains. Life really isn’t over until it’s over.
The older I get, the more settled I feel, the fewer and more far between are my more intense hallucinations and periods of despair… Is it age? Is it experience? Is it that my life is more stable than its ever been (and I’m learning to accept the stability)? Probably a combination.
Anyway, it may sound like forever and I may sound terribly old, but the years have actually gone by quickly, and I am standing on a mountain of experiences and knowledge


Great post,

I needed to hear all that.


Glad you are improving
I was told that schiz gets better as you "mature "


Happy to hear that you’re feeling better @Hedgehog.

I’m almost 40, so I feel like I can agree with you.

I still have rough days and symptoms. But I’ve gained more insight in the past few years.

Take care. :v:


Good for you @Hedgehog. You paid your dues, now you deserve all the good things happening to you.


Great post, thank you for sharing. I hope it really does.


@Hedgehog that was a very inspiring post…thank you friend.


Thanks to all who posted, especially @Hedgehog, @shellys12 and @Montezuma. I’ve slowly gotten better as I got older too. Still have my moments but I’m glad to be alive


Yes, it really does get better after about the age of 50. I am almost 58 and my mood is calm and stable and has been over the past six and a half years. Finally. And my paranoia, delusions and hallucinations are all gone. I’m really more like a normie now than anything else. I do have a little bit of negatives, but, I can live with them. Life is wonderful now. I’m so glad I didn’t kill myself when I was younger.


Actually I can relate to everything you wrote and a lot of it is true for me too. My symptoms started to lessen in severity around my mid-to-late forties. And certain delusions went away. Just relatively recently my recovery dramatically improved. I started noticing at work that my there were moments where my mind got quiet and peaceful.

One of my earliest symptoms was a racing mind. But in just this past year things have slowed down and I enjoy peace of mind. I can’t force it or predict when these things will happen but they happen often enough. Of course my disease hasn’t disappeared but I’m 56 now and my life seems to be just starting too.

I never really cared about people when I was really young. Now I am curios about them and don’t see other people as “against me” or “enemy’s” anymore (most of the time anyways, lol). A big surprise was that people are actually curious and interested in me. Some people actually find me interesting.

Bingo. Exactly.


This is so nice to hear. I am glad for all of you that have posted about your improvements. I hope that my sza gets better with time.


I’m glad you went into more detail. You’re better at that than I am! And I’m glad to hear things have improved for you too since you’ve more than paid your dues as well, @77nick77.
I would say that some things will never go away, and some things I don’t want to go away or I’d feel lost, but the intensity has dulled pretty recently.
Anyway, thank you for always having something nice, supportive, helpful and wise to say. I still say you should write a book.


Only if you help me, lol.


I really appreciate everyone’s responses on here. Thank you! And some beautiful things were said, like “I’m glad I didn’t kill myself” That may seem obvious to some, but it’s not “a given” and I relate to that deeply! I never thought I’d be glad I didn’t kill myself, and suicide has been a security blanket for me forever, but I am more motivated to stay and see what happens next. I hope everyone on this forum will stay and see what happens next!


I’m trying to finish a novel based on my and my son’s combined experiences right now. My students had a project to each write a short novel earlier this year and I wrote my own. I don’t know if it’s any good.
But I’ve read enough of your writing to see that you have a gift, @77nick77, and you have such an amazing story to tell. I’m serious that you could write an amazing book. :heart:


Lately I’ve been questioning if it’s really possible for things to get better and for this condition to improve. Tbh I’ve kinda been wondering if I should continue living. But this post gives me a little hope. Thank you @Hedgehog


You’re someone special, @Noise. I’m not just saying that, it’s true. You’re very perceptive and you’re going to improve. Your life will touch others, and if for no other reason you should stay and see. I’m so glad you were encouraged. Life is really hard, I’ll never say it’s not, but it’s worth it, and so are you :heart:


Really needed to hear this!



Always enjoy your posts @77nick77. Thank you for sharing. Everyone else too. This was a really cool thread.


I’ve been a normie for the past 10yrs or so or well i like to think so…
I rarely had heavy symptoms only light symptoms…
I was diagnosed with shcizophrenia in 2000 and now im 38 :-/
I still take my meds once a day