It makes a lot of sense

That I’m delusional. Logically I get it so deeply especially now that I understand how medically FND works. It makes me feel dead and possessed when I’m having seizures and paralysis plus hallucinations and delusions and severe dissociation. FND is so tied with dissociation, I feel like an observer to my body when I’m having seizures with no or barely any control . I’m trying to learn to how to regain control faster but it’s like the harder I fight the worse I convulse


Hang in there, sounds terryfying. I think the psychiatrist will think you are a hyperchondriac.

I don’t think she does but alright. I have genuine seizures

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You got seizures, bad enough.

I’m not sure if I understand

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You don’t need to understand. It’s ok.

You come here and call me a hypochondriac for talking about genuine medical issues tho? It’s confusing lol like I just laughed at it when I saw it

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Laughing :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:151515

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