It feels great to be liked,it feels bad to feel not being liked

Someone,not long ago once told me I look sunny,cheerful(although I am not lol) but I feel being liked at that moment,that day…it makes me feel good to be liked and being praised,i was very happy that day

When at work,sometimes my mother’s friend will come and visit her to buy things or just to visit her.I think I feel a little stressed because they are familiar people,when I feel stress I feel not being liked.

It’s true that not everyone will liked you and not everyone will dislike you as a person.I live my life and also worked hard,hope I can be a more friendly,open minded and welcoming person :smiley:


I think you’re very friendly and you shouldn’t worry about that.

But we’re bound to not be liked by everybody and that’s okay too, we can’t please everyone all the time, what would be the point of that? That’s just now how we’re made to be. Just don’t become unpleasant under that premisse and you’ll do fine.


Its nice to be liked, especially by those people I work closely with, like my pdoc and therapist.

Most people want to be liked by others, its Human Nature really.

I dont have the desire for friends right now in my life, and I really dont deal with a lot of family members, but its always nice to be liked.


Hey there’s an expression I have heard.

“Haters gonna hate”

Some people don’t like me and I don’t care.