If parallel universes exist, then why do I keep experiencing the same reality ( or close to it again)? This is still possible with parallel universes but a cyclic universe is also possible, ie one that repeats. I love my brother and family, but it doesn’t make sense that he exists in everyone ( maybe he doesn’t?). I would imagine that it would be physically possible that other sperm would be stronger sometimes, or that there are other possibilities like never meeting my step father or my mom having a kid. Does this mean it’s not physically possible? Are we missing something??? Why do some events happen but others don’t? Why does my personality change? There’s something fundamental about reality that I don’t understand. Am I only aware in specific universes? I feel like my supernatural ability or paranormal ability gives me insight into the universe but I yet to understand how it works. I’m starting to think I don’t remember all past lives or that I only am conscious in some ( my perhaps unique consciousness only inhabits particular universes). I feel like I have the ability to to see future events in upcoming universes that I will spawn in, that is, my consciousness will spawn in repeating universes just like it has in the past. Is this a feature of parallel universes or is just mean I spawn in a series of cyclic universes, or is it a combination of both? I’m ignoring the possibility of a computer simulation, which I don’t give much thought anymore. Is there something unique about our lives and our families? How do we determine what’s physically possible? Is it possible that it’s not just physical laws and the combination that particles can form?
You know, what calms me in these moments is the feeling I actually don’t know ■■■■. We just don’t know, we can theorize about stuff and some of our theories are already being tested but the fact of the matter is that we don’t know. That brings me peace, we don’t need to know, maybe someday we will, with the advancements of intelligence and technology. For now there’s just theories, and I’m fine with it.
does it matter? if you found the truth then what happens next?
what can you do about it? whats the benefit?
im not going to try and say i know anything about philosophy because i dont , but what I think is important is just living in the present and taking action in your life today.
What do you mean by escaping it? Do you mean escaping the obsession of the delusion or rebirth? I want to agree with you. Intellectual fascination haunts me.
No offense, but I strongly disagree with the “multiple lives” or “past lives” theory of resurrection. I never had a life previous to this one, and neither did you. This planet & world is the first of its kind and you are experiencing the first iteration of your life, not a second or third.
This life is a trial & experiment. Once you are done here, you transmigrate into a new world and continue living (highly plausible). You do not return to Earth and repeat existences. There is no reason to. This is another “unusual belief” for sure, and I don’t think it merits real discussion. It’s highly delusional & makes no sense scientificially, even according to “spiritual” science(s).
The fact that you believe in returning resurrections or rebirths on Earth gives more weight to the delusion. You can alter your beliefs, but you have to be willing to emotionally detach to your current false ones.
I’m not going to read into sciences for which there is no empirical proof or objective platform to examine.
There is no “beyond” infinity. Infinity encompasses the beyond, and the only individual that could presume infinity or understand it is God. It is really quite laughable that human beings attempt to wrap “infinity” into a finite explanation. Infinite defies finite explanation, even language, as feelings & energy defy the behavior of human finiteness and therefore defies any human understanding.
It’s not delusional. You’re operating outside of the objective world and making subjective claims. If you have had past lives - then talk about them.
What was your name in your past life? What language did you speak and where did you live?
I once had a dream that I was a pilgrim crossing over into the Americas back in the 1600’s. I even saw vivid plantations, homes, and villages. One shot I quite vividly remember is all of us getting off the boat; and I was one of the first ones off.
So, was I a pilgrim back in the 1600’s? According to you, you would say “yes”. But I know that isn’t true. It’s probably a blip of something my brain needed or wanted to see to overcome a problem or grow. It invented it all on its own - on the spot - from stimuli I have already witnessed in this life.
Well dreams are just dreams. I would say it’s definitely not real like most of your beliefs. I have hundreds of memories some of which I’ve talked about…some even on here. They’re more than just memories though. I know I cannot prove it and that it sounds crazy.
If your series of beliefs were true, it would feel emotionally sound & reliable. You’d feel a cogent status & connectivity to the actual world and would even go so far as to say you achieved some kind of equilibrium within it.
That isn’t your status, though. You seem deeply distressed by your pattern of thinking and can’t fully grip the understanding or meaning of it; this is quite possibly the result of simply conscious errors - false beliefs. Trust me, Christianity put me through insane loopholes that I couldn’t detach from, and Islam did the same, but once I finally changed my outlook about my false beliefs, I was able to find peace & stability.
Just remember, many dreams, if not most, are just thought experiments. Try not to dive too heavily into interpretations of your dreams. It’ll just drive you mad.
I agree with your post. I recognize more with Buddhism/Taoism than any other religions.
But it’s easier said than done. And most of the World doesn’t want to believe that. It’s okay though in my mind.
I think part of stopping your existence is to let go and let other people do there thing. Something I need to work on still but I’m doing much better with now.
Bikkhus , Human Birth is really rare. Rare is the birth in the form of a Human. You have lived Eons as an animal, in Hell, as Hungry Ghosts, as LOWER forms and rare is the human birth.
Consider this Bikkhus, a Blind Tortoise in the bottom of the ocean. You keep a colored ring in the top of the ocean. What is the possibility that the blind tortoise once it reaches the top touches the ring?. The possibility is almost impossible.
Such is the probability of the Human Birth Bikkhus. Do not let is go waste, Bikkhus. Do not waste time.
Most Humans will be reborn as Animals and/or goto Hell on death according to the Buddha.
Well it seems I go to hell/purgatory a lot then. I wonder why. I’ve had theories why. I don’t want to remember it. I think it keeps me in check. I remember being my dog once. That’s the only animal though. The rest are human. I think I lived in India once. But I would say besides that I occupy the same body, same name, same family, same looks, same language, and same country, etc.
Do you think soul swapping is real? I had thoughts in a past life(lives) that I swapped lives and bodies with a couple of people. But I’m not sure about this. I’ve also had some good lives but most of them seem negative.