Ya, I could definitely learn from you especially in terms of philosophy. Years ago, I was looking for other computer simulators here with schizophrenia. Not sure if you remember or just ‘came about’ lol. It sounds like reinforcing each other delusions on my part, but I feel and remember I was a world builder and created a universe before as part of an experiment and I went back in like infinity/eternity ago and got stuck here around 2011 (so far as I know). My memories are painful and pretty dark a lot of the times. Very negative influences on me.
I sometimes believe my past lives aren’t really past lives at all but the same life over and over again like time reversal and flow like reverse entropy and we live in a SIMs or simulation that is constantly being manipulated and edited. My vocab isn’t as shiny as most people but I know my stuff.
I often think I’m immortal with no past lives and my body just goes back to it’s original state in time with trauma and memories of stuff that ‘never happened’. That’s the scary part. It’s like being Jesus minus the moral and God part and religion aspect.
I thought I was an alien or Anunnaki (advanced human being) among other things. They talked to me as a kid in a ‘past life’ and told me stuff. It was around high school. Sort of like opening another dimension in the spirit world. Crazy stuff.
I thought a Reptilian or archon or Jinn replaced my step-dad and messed with me hardcore in my other lives, but I avoid him out of fear and don’t really trust his personality or intentions even though he is a good man, Christ-like, and a good step-father and provider. I think we care about each other. (he has no memory or knowledge of this). He’s getting senile a bit.
Some of this stuff spans infinite realities and is related to my past of trying to reach enlightenment. I was forced to believe in God by aliens (former atheist) and to follow Christianity. It gives me a conscience and a foundation for morality in my insanity I think.
I know you don’t believe in conspiracy theories and don’t like them, but I find that odd a bit and weird given your belief system in Gnosticism.
You can build simulations and it’s totally possible. In college, probably in this lifetime, I went insane by encountering God (the Christian one – I was an atheist at the time) and was told I lived in the Matrix and that I’m stuck here forever. Makes sense as a form of punishment and a connection to my simulation career. So maybe God and Satan are punishing me. Nobody else remembers except me and I appear and am schizophrenic despite not really hallucinating things.
Even got abducted by tall greys asking me how I escaped, how did I do it, how do they leave, etc. It’s weird because different aliens can do it too and escape and go between worlds or simulations.
They told me a lot of stuff but it took aeons or generations or iterations (millions or more) to find out the truths of things.
It’s sort of like I had bad karma and now I have good karma and people or aliens were protecting me and helped me out a bit. When bad stuff happens to people like me over and over again, good things start happening. I always assume we are being watched by the higher ups running the computer. I don’t know. I have a lot of knowledge I haven’t shared I think yet.
The way they are punishing me is through transferring my consciousness back in time and resetting me and making me live on horrible, evil timelines. It seemed to have stopped and gotten better now and I’m still scarred and remember the pain and scars. I’m always disabled and schizophrenic. My mind gets totally wiped too except for ‘leakage’ which I assume is deja vu and quantum phenomena and mind uploading, etc.
It all is nonsense. People have assumed I’m crazy and that I’m making crap up I think. I have no proof or evidence of course.
I’ve been perpetually treatment resistant schizophrenic and being ‘reset’ or ‘rebooted’ back in time with the same illness for eternity and millions or thousands of times at least. It sometimes is so bad from my perspective it feels like trillions of times or more like eternity.
My biggest fear is being reset and going back to 2012 in time again (death); not making money; being homeless; not remember and re-experiencing my childhood like everyone else here; and that my next few lives will be the same as this with schizophrenia.
It sucks balls.