I believe in past lives and reincarnation. I have some memories that I have not experienced, from my childhood. They’re like dreams. I choose to believe in reincarnation because the concept of heaven doesn’t make sense to me. Praising god infinitely does not seem like an enjoyable thing to do and I don’t see the point of it. Some religions believe you will meet your soulmate in heaven or enjoy the company of virgins. These concepts don’t entertain me. I do like the concept that your consciousness lives on in peace and light but the amount of ■■■■ people do in their lives and get away with it, I still don’t wish an infinite remorse to these people. The concept of hell is something that nobody deserves. I believe in second chances.
On the other hand, there are some cultures in India that believe what they get in this life is the result of their past lives. For example, punishment with a mental illness in this life, might be the result of your wrongdoings. Karma.
I also really like the idea that you go through several lives until you meet your soulmate. Sometimes when you don’t get the chance to be with the one you love, your paths cross again in another life. I love this concept because I have experienced love at first sight.
it’s an interesting idea definitely…i#ve read a few stories of children that have claimed to be someone else before they were born and it some of these cases there was enough detail to make you wonder…on the one hand it would be cool if it were true but on the other? well look at it this way, once you die you become just a floating mass of consciousness and in order to be reincarnated, you need a body…where are you going to get that new body??? the only place you can get it is by stealing one from a newly conceived baby. so what happens here? does your soul eject the baby’s soul and you take over that body? or do your souls merge? no baby is concieved with a blank soul or consciousness so what happens to it if you (for the want of a better term) “bodyjack” it? are there lots of memory less little balls of consciousness out there that have been ejected by someone wanting to live again? i kind of like being me…i guess if i could take my talents with me i wouldn’t mind so much being in a new body…but is it ethical?
I believe in both the afterlife and reincarnation. I believe that when we die we go through a life review of the life we have just left and then make a choice to stay in the afterlife or be reborn again to attain more knowledge if we choose. I don’t believe in places called heaven or hell. Heaven and he’ll are in people. I believe we all go to the same place when we die; our true home. Those who have committed great crimes will be dealt with, but not in a “burn for eternity” type way. We are all the same. We are all one.
I’m glad you posted this. I’ve been thinking about reincarnation and ancient religions for the past couple days. Historically, I tend to believe things that are backed by mathematics (usually). I’m surprised how Buddhists and Hindus have come up with these ideas so long ago and also their mathematical sophistication. It’s quite amazing.
To keep it short and sweet, if parallel universes exist (which I believe they do and a lot of physicists do), then reincarnation exists. Also, if the universe is infinite, reincarnation exists, assuming certain things. I remember watching a video of Max Tegmark (a world-renowned physicist) calculating how far a doppelganger of you is. In short, it’s pretty far and you’ll never get to it.
Now the reincarnation I’m talking about is different than the one based on karma. This is the one where matter re-assembles itself in the exact same way. Perhaps, you’re you in a different universe, but instead of having that coffee this morning, you didn’t-- or the other way around. This could go on ad infimum. Plus, the idea of free-will makes this even more confusing and interesting. Do we have free will or do we live in a deterministic universe?
I tend to believe in parallel universes and also eternal return. Eternal return is where the universe ends and then returns the exact same way or in a similar way. This goes back to ancient civilizations like the Indians, Greeks, Egyptians, and even as recently as Nietzsche. I also believe it’s backed up by some theory. There’s a theory called the Big Bounce Theory which sounds a lot like eternal return. There’s also Poincare recurrence theorem which I believe (may be wrong) states that certain closed systems will return to their initial states or really close to it in finite time (I’ll admit I haven’t studied this much and don’t have the proper mathematical background). Some people say this could apply to our universe.
To me, if eternal return exists, free will might just be an illusion.
In terms of my schizo-affective disorder, I’ve been getting false memories of past lives. That’s how I started getting interested in Eternal return and reincarnation. Maybe I’m just crazy, but I think it’s true. I just can’t prove it. I think this stuff has more evidence than religion.
Buddhism is, I believe, concerned primarily with avoiding the trap of reincarnation. Reincarnation would be my worst nightmare. I really hope it’s not real.
that’s interesting. What kind of memories have you been getting? I have memories of past life before I got mentally ill. I remember it as a real memory, that’s how clear it is. And I used to have a lot of deja vu-s in my early life, now it rarely happens. I also had a weird thing of confusing between my dreams and reality before getting diagnosed, has anybody had that?
This is unsupported religiously anywhere that I know of and a twisting of science to fit a romantic idea. And it’s more an idea for me than a belief. But I like to think of our consciousness as something like energy, and when we die, it’s released back to join and mix with whatever similar energy is out there. And when conscious beings are born, energy is pulled from that same pool. So a baby (or an elephant, or an octopus, or an alien) born a hundred years from now might be a bit me and a bit you and a bit Kim Kardashian and a bit a bird flitting right now through the Amazon. It’s more a comforting thought than a belief.
But when my cat died, who I had raised from about four weeks to about nineteen years, I found I believed strongly that he was his own soul, and that he had had only a cat’s reasoning ability when he was alive on this earth, but now he has infinite understanding and infinite wisdom. And he was disappointed in me, angry at me. He never came back to haunt me, and so I thought he had learned better than to love me. I don’t know if I thought he might come back, I think I did. But not to me.
(I think a lot of that was grief, but when I think back on it, I still feel an echo of that desolation.)
The world must be overrun by new souls in that case. As the population is the highest it’s ever been. My thoughts are we’re probably just recycled into the giant flying spaghetti monsters phycie and put down as a bad dream.
Reincarnation is the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, can begin a new life in a new body. This doctrine is a central tenet of the Hindu religion.[1] It is also a common belief of various ancient and modern religions such as Spiritism, Theosophy, and Eckankar, and is found as well in many tribal societies around the world, in places such as Siberia, West Africa, North America, and Australia.[2]
Does what we believe make any actual difference (save for leading us up paths that may or may not be useful) to what is an actual fact in the the universe?