Is your house clean?

I haven’t cleaned in ages. It’s my greatest fear that someone will drop by unexpectedly and see how I live. I used to be better at this—I used to enjoy cleaning—but with my negatives everything has gone to ■■■■.

How do you manage?


It’s not so tidy but since using a cleaning company once a month, it is clean.


Clean; I clean every day.

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My room is a mess :grimacing:

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I live with my dad and brother (and brother’s gf when she’s here on the weekends). They keep the place relatively tidy for an old house. I mean it’s nice relative to my aunt’s place.

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That sounds very appealing. Is it expensive?

My house is clean.

I get anxious when things are dirty or unkept.


When I was on a different AP, my house was a wreck,

No motivation to clean at all.

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My father and I share the expenses.
It’s about $150 a month @anon1517417.

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Yes, thanks to my mom :sweat_smile:

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I feel like Risperidone makes me apathetic. Nothing feels satisfying anymore. Like cleaning my kitchen used to make me feel good. Now it just makes me feel tired.

Of course when I bring these things up to my pdoc, she kind of shrugs it off like it’s small potatoes. I wonder if another AP would be better…


Its possible another AP would be better,

But I found that in addition to a different medication I needed therapy.

Do you see a therapist?

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I do. I feel somewhat motivated after our sessions, but it doesn’t last long.

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If you just work one hour, or even thirty minutes a day you’d be surprised how quickly you can get the house clean.

That’s not much time and you’ll feel better when its cleaned up.

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Mine is lived in, but not dirty by any means. We do a good decluttering every 2-3 weeks. But we have a toddler, so nothing is ever clean for more than 10 minutes.


Oh I hear ya on those negative symptoms…my place doesn’t look so well. :sweat_smile:

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It’s clean sometimes, once a month. 2 kids, 2 dogs, 3 sports=not much time.

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I leave to go see my PCP in just over an hour. We’re going to Taco Bell for dinner because we’ll be out of time for dinner and that’s the only restaurant by the hospital. I’m kind of excited. I never eat fast food, and I don’t like most fast food, but taco Bell bean burritos with sour cream and hot sauce are my weakness.


Oh, man,

Taco Bell is freaking delicious.

I love their taco salads.


My room is fairly clean unless my pup comes in and ■■■■■ ■■■■ up. I try to keep the door closed but I always forget.

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My house is a bit cluttered but not really dirty.
I don’t get much satisfaction from cleaning but I try to do it anyway.

And Taco Bell is practically my entire life. :smile: