Well, I haven’t been diagnosed with schizophrenia (and I don’t really think I will be), but I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression about 5 years ago. I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this, and I’ve tried talking to an online friend about it but they’re not very understanding and I don’t want to keep bothering them. I also have an appointment with a therapist in a few weeks, but I would just like to discuss this with people that may be experiencing the same thing. I’ve just recently realized that something has been off about me. Like, since last October I have been having OCD tendencies and anxiety attacks. I also started developing issues with sleeping, and sometimes I get moments where everything feels surreal and like it’s a dream or like I’m in a fog. On Halloween, I thought that someone was following me, watching me and wanting to hurt me. I ended up having an anxiety attack. I also noticed that I’ve been paranoid about people watching me through my computer camera, that there are cameras in my house, that others can read my mind, and that people are going to take my DNA from things I throw away like gum or a soda I drank from. When I’m out in public, sometimes I’ll see people and think that they’re probably thinking about hurting me. When I think like that, it feels reasonable, but it’s not an intense or anxious feeling that these things are happening. It’s more in a this-is-probably-happening kind of way. I only dwell on it for a few minutes before I basically accept it. I haven’t really noticed that it’s not usual until I told my friend and she said she doesn’t think that way. Is this paranoia or am I just some kinda hypochondriac?? Sorry if this isn’t the right place to ask, but I really feel alone and I’m wondering if this is paranoia or if someone else has experienced this. Thanks for reading!
We can all go through different symptom even if only one, two, or more diagnoses have been mention by doctors, Things like moods even thoughts like paranoia are normal; But there are healthy levels and unhealthy levels. I’m just presuming you’re seeing a Psychiatrist do mention it to him/her as could be a number of reasons why your going through it.
That is paranoia but everyone experiences that on occasion. If it’s OCD then it might be a combination of stress and sensitivities. Depression affects a lot of people, you are not alone. I’ve read stories about people overcoming OCD through breaking down patterns and meditation. I think that it’s curable and that periods of heightened thinking is normal. If you find yourself zoning out and having panic attacks that are happening a lot, there could be some kind of trauma resurfacing itself. I have trouble knowing if my schizoaffective disorder is due to traumatic experiences or due to its affect on me. Over time, schizoaffective disorder is more livable. But the only difference between a person perceived as recovered versus unstable or imbalanced is that insight is being managed in such a way that paranoid thoughts are prevented from returning.
Mother nature wants us to pay attention to signs of our own distress. If I am distressed about something repeatedly for no reason at all, that might be a panic disorder. Panic disorders are also treatable through cognitive behavioral therapy. Some people go to centers where you can work on your behaviors, but I am not sure how successful these treatment centers are. I haven’t read a whole lot about it as I have a handle on things for now.
I have struggled with depression, but not that sinking depression though I know what it is like. Tackling the emotional baggage that comes with a negative thought is helpful in clearing the path to new ideas and insights. Paranoia is curable through therapy alone. You don’t need someone telling you what’s real or not, it’s a matter of noticing that the obsession occurred and writing it down then privately documenting how it feels to have it. Once you know what your triggers are for OCD then you can probably live without this burden.
Hopefully you find what you are looking for in support. I have studied a good bit of psychology and that’s why I know a bit about it.