I think I may have paranoid schizophrenia

Hello, I’m fifteen years old, I have felt threatened by unknown people whose voices I’ve heard for a long time. I didn’t think this was abnormal until a week ago I Googled I was tired of them ordering me stuff, then paranoid schizophrenia appeared.

I remember being little and hearing voicevoices telling me I had to do as they told me because I was special and they were preparing me for taking me. This always scared me, it often resulted (it still does now) to Mom being close to me and not leaving me alone, not even while I showered, she often has to wait for me in the same room, it also caused her to sleep permanently with me, both things because they terrify me, they’ve threatened to hurt me if I don’t do as they want, but if i do, they say they will hep me,in fact I’m pretty scared now because they told me I wasn’t allowed to write this.

Every single time I’m alone they speak tto me, it’s very rare for them to do so when I’m with someone.

Mom doesn’t know what I’m afraid of, no one does, they can’t, the voices told me I can’t tell them.

I know this kind of sounds like I’m crazy but iI’m tired of them, it’s like being chased from someone you don’t know.

I’m normally a loner, I feel like teens won’t get me, I’m afraid they’ll find out about this and that I’m queer if I get too close to them and call me stuff, i used to be bullied in elementary school so it terrifies me, I’m always anxious around people like they drain me and plot against me because of who i am.

I used to manage in the past to get good grades (just A+) and be nice but now I feel like I’m just either ignoring everyone, crying, scared or mad, like im never truly ok and no matter how hard I try school gets hard I’ve gotten Cs Ds, some Bs and it’s hard to get an A

I don’t easily trust anyone, I guess I got used to that since mom and dad would basically kill me if I said I had a dysfunctional family, I learnt to lie about a lot and to keep feelings and stuff to myself to be protected from people and them.

I know this is large but please someone listen, I’m worried and tired of this :frowning:

Sound like you do have schizophrenia. I have it too and that is what it feels like. You can get medication that helps but you need to talk to a doctor about it. When I first got it really bad I thought everyone was out to get me and I could hear them planing to get me. I was all untrue. You really should tell someone you trust about what is happening the medication really does help and also what helped for me was not listening to the voices or paying attention to what they say.

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no one here can diagnose you we just help each other cope. I suggest you talk to a psychiatrist.


your mother loves you and therefore she would want you to tell her.
the voices may not want that…but i used to have voices like that too.
but i realised that the intelligent thing to do is to tell someone.
this forum is a safe and supportive place…
you need to tell your mum and she needs to get you to a pdoc.
the early you recieve help the better the outcome…cbt will help and other social interactive therapies.
you are brave for telling your story…but remember the voices can not hurt you.
i see and hear stuff 24/7 and i have learnt not to be afraid nor does it bother me.
know someone cares :heart:
take care :alien:


It might take you awhile to find the right med for you but just know meds do help eventually and the voices should go away

I’m not surprised. There is a way out of at least some of the stuff you’re experiencing. Maybe even a lot.

  1. Get a copy of these books, read them and have your family read them, as well. (Torrey can be a bit totalistic and unwilling to see exceptions to his “rules” at times, but most of his book is really worth the effort to plough through.)

  2. Get properly diagnosed by a board-certified psychopharmacologist who specializes in the psychotic disorders. One can find them at…
    http://doctor.webmd.com/find-a-doctor/specialty/psychiatry andhttps://psychiatrists.psychologytoday.com/rms/

  3. Work with that “psychiatrist” (or “p-doc”) to develop a medication formula that stabilizes their symptoms sufficiently so that they can tackle the psychotherapy that will disentangle their thinking.

  4. The best of the psychotherapies for that currently include…
    DBT – http://behavioraltech.org/resources/whatisdbt.cfm
    MBSR – Welcome to the Mindful Living Blog
    MBCT - Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: theory and practice - PubMed
    ACT – ACT | Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
    10 StEP – Pair A Docks: The 10 StEPs of Emotion Processing

  5. the even newer somatic psychotherapies like…
    MBBT – An Introduction to Mind-Body Bridging & the I-System – New Harbinger Publications, Inc
    SEPT – Somatic experiencing - Wikipedia
    SMPT – Sensorimotor psychotherapy - Wikipedia

  6. or standard CBTs, like…
    REBT – Rational emotive behavior therapy - Wikipedia
    Schematherapy – Schema therapy - Wikipedia
    Learned Optimism – Learned optimism - Wikipedia
    Standard CBT – Psychotherapy | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness & scroll down

  7. If you/she/he needs a professional intervention to get through treatment resistance, tell me where you live, and I will get back to you with leads to those services.

  8. Look into the RAISE Project at Google.

  9. Look for mental illness clubhouses in your area (which can be hugely helpful… but may also pose risks). Dig through the many articles at Google to locate and investigate them.