Is there any new novel schizophrenia drug in the pipeline

Ok so many claims have being made on sz pathology in the last few years . Yet we still only have dopamine blockade as the main tool in the chest of tools that is ap phrarmacology . So much has being posited from dendrite malformation , to protein producing errors. Yet where is the fruits of all this? Any new meds that you know of that dont concentrate on blockade of dopamine or modulation of serotonin or glutamine?

I don’t know about specific new drugs, but they say the next century is going to be “the century of the brain”. Advances in computing will allow us to map the neural connections in the brain. Maybe people will be able to have psychotropic medications made specifically for them, without all the trial and error that goes into current medication regimens.

Otsuka pharmaceuticals is coming out with a new atypical antispychotic, it is pretty similar to Abilify - it is called

Cheers thats good to know allthough it stll doing stuff with dopamine.

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Did you see this summary of almost 30 new medications in development:

Lots of different approaches being pursued.

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I was really rooting for the drug working on NMDA receptors, but it failed testing.

They are evaluating the new CBD anti psychotic drugs. Can’t wait to see how it works. It has been said it has very fewer side effects and as affective in countering positive symptoms

When are they all slated to come out?