Why are we being punished?

Schizophrenia is a punishment there is no doubt about that. This illness is tough! I’ve been battling 13 years. Why are we the lucky ones?


It’s not a punishment. We’ve done nothing wrong. It’s just genetic bad luck.


I agree with @everhopeful,

Its not a punishment,

Its just bad genetics.


I do think it’s just bad luck :frowning:


Hey ho bad genes got to go!

Hey ho bad environmental factors blow!


When I see all the horrible things that happen on this earth I think, “Why not me? Why am I escaping that? There seems to be no criteria of morality that determines who suffers and who doesn’t, so, even if I am a good person, that ■■■■ can happen to me too.” Then I am grateful, to no one else but fate, that these things haven’t happened to me - yet.


I didn’t mean a punishment from god. I consider this “Bad luck” to be a form of punishment.

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It’s still not a punishment. It just is. There are worse things, much worse things, than living with mid to high functioning schizophrenia in a first world country. If we were truly meant to be punished, we would surely be given a worse fate.


Good comments my friend… Good comments… Perspective is everything.

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It’s only a wrong belief (a delusion) you firmly believe and that makes your body create hallucinations because of chemical imbalances in your brain or mere suggestion

It took me awhile to get over the feeling that I was being punished for something I did. When I did research and learned how it affects all kinds of people even sweet innocent kids I stopped thinking that.


My genetics are fine. Actually, they’re better than most people’s. I’m tall, handsome, smart, capable, etc.

It was the 20% environment part that screwed me. If I never did substances, went to a different school, and lived in a different place, I would have never done that stuff and may have never got sick. Maybe I would have got sick later like years down the road.

I blame myself, I sometimes blame the government, sometimes blame the greys, and sometimes blame God. But it’s really my own fault.

We’re being punished, I definitely agree with that. It’s a top 10 disability and we get little sympathy. There is no known cure or cause and the treatments are awful. It’s like cancer and getting chemotherapy in my opinion.

Sometimes the universe just screws you and you can’t do anything about it.


I don’t believe that last part. People can come over adversity with sheer force of will, and there are good treatments for positive symptoms. Amyloban 3399 comes to mind. I had almost won against the disease when I took it for a month, not hearing the voices almost completely, but then I switched to generic lion’s mane and my condition deteriorated.

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There was this one party I was at where I thought no one was watching so I double-dipped my veggies in the dip. Apparently Fate was watching.


I’ll let you know when I get it.

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I used to think the same thing and sometimes on my bad days i still do.
But mainly i get mad at the ignorance of the general public and there inability to understand people with a severe mi.
The quote “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” kinda applies here. It can be super super tough but people as individuals learn to cope with what is given to them(like illnesses).

I was lucky that I was born in the USA and have good parents. I could be from North Korea. Imagine having schizophrenia and being from there. It doesn’t make it any easier, but it does help to put things in perspective sometimes.

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You can get by with schizophrenia because of “sheer force of will”, but you cannot make it go away…

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Well, in a way it’s a punishment. But by who? It’s more like having bad luck. I don’t believe any deity or anyone else did this to me. Schizophrenia punishes us, the disease punishes us, but not by anything except it’s just the way life works, just like you call cancer or a heart attack or athletes foot a punishment.

Ask MrSquirrel, Amyloban 3399 reduced his symptoms to the point of his head being dead quiet.

Also sometimes people luck out with their antipsychotic regimen and get symptom silence.