Is reading for pleasure in childhood good for your health?


IDK. I read for pleasure since about 7 years old and I still don’t like kiwi. I devoured books right up until I got sick at age 19. By the time I was 8 I had read a lot of the classics like Robin Hood, Robinson Crusoe, Treasure Island, Gullivers Travels, Arabian Night’s, Swiss Family Robinson, Pinocchio, Aesop’s Fables, etc.

But I kind of don’t fit into this articles theories because I was very physically active as a child. Actually, by fourth grade I was friends with almost all the coolest, most popular kids. I still read voraciously but I was always riding my bike around or playing sports and running and climbing things. By high school, I had withdrawn from my classmates dramatically. I still always had two or three books at my bedside which I read every night but I only had a few friends.

But I did a lot of fun things with them including sports. I was definitely not sedentary in high school though pot slowed me down.


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