How could anyone love the mood swings, the paranoia, and everything that comes with sz. I’m not sure anyone could truly love me other than my mum lol
Some people are willing to work with us through all of that. And some weirdos are actually attracted to it, to the point of fetish. They love the idea of a human project to fix.
Try to stay away from that second type. They are awful. The first kind are great though, and they really exist.
sorry 1616161616161616161
So what? I’ve never been in love my whole life. So what? My family loves me, I’ve had great friends, I’ve traveled and worked and went to college. I had a girlfriend who liked me and I liked her, and I’ve dated and had a few one-night stands. My point of view is that since I didn’t have the privilage of enjoying love, then I will take that loss and excel in other areas in my life. I’m not the only one, there are other people who have never been in love and they are just looking for a companion. If you find love then I say, “Good for you!”. If you don’t, than "Que sara, sara…Whatever will be, will be.
I don’t think that “love” is possible for anyone regardless of how much effort is put into it…its just NOT there. …maybe this is one of the reasons that the world is ending now.
Talking about the social problems is about like allowing it to happen twice to yourself. I just act as I guess appropriate and avoid it later.
Things are good if you can function in self care, independent living and work. Then extend your ‘functioning’ into caregiving role. Works nicely for some if you have same hobbies or you give up whining privilege because you chose the guy…Keep the exercise as your hobby for all the purposes that matter, claim some veg-out time and reading time so you feel okay. You need mental health days and time out for symptoms…He needs to understand what can happen, when you need a nudge or caring questioning, or just keep quiet about most stuff and try for normal.
Works nicely to defer on a lot of crap that doesn’t matter, handle finances yourself and let partner make a lot of the choices. If you want something, you get it easier. Also like the two-times-you’re-out rule…I say something twice, and if you didn’t deal with it, it didn’t matter and I will handle it as I must…Try to balance the food whines and understand why the women don’t want to always look at meat and potatoes and hear the fat comments – If she serves big side of plain vegetables and only eats a little bit of stick to ribs stuff, she keeps the weight down.
Works if you do it for him…& maintain motivation to do this.
probably the best post Ive seen in a long while.