Will things get better? Waiting in hope it will.
Last year at this time I was psychotic in hospital with a thrombus in my leg. Now I have a fulltime job, even lost 10lbs, I painted many paintings, I have few social contacts. Thanks to my amazing doctor!
Just take your meds and things WILL get better!
It will get better you just have to find the right med combo. Even if that’s clozapine which I know you’re not keen on trying.
Yes, it gets better for many, many people. And women have a better prognosis than men.
I was severely psychotic and ill when I was 19-22 but I kept taking my medication and seeing the therapists and doctors and went to the day programs and now my symptoms are way less intense. I went from sitting in the back yard of a group home for months alone at age 19, just fighting to keep my sanity and now I’ve had some good years and I live in a nice apartment with my nice car. Last night I went for a walk with my sisters in the park near our houses and we sat down afterwards and had a home cooked meal and talked.
Now it’s morning and I made myself a banana and peanut butter smoothie and I’m sitting peacefully in the kitchen on my day off from work.
Quite a big difference from when I was 19-22 years old.
And I am not unique in the sense that many, many people improve. There will always be bad days where you are miserable and unhappy no matter how good your recovery is but having a good days is a real, real possibility.
My bf told me to occupy my mind on something else quit sitting and festering in my thoughts worrying about what people think.
That sounds healthy
it will be alright!
granted, i’ve only been in treatment for 2 years, and it’s a rocking roller coaster but things will be alright
Good advice. Try to stay busy, even if for a short while, to get your mind off of your problems.
Things can get better @roxanna.
Just continue to work with your pdoc and therapist if you’re seeing one.
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