I don’t believe in hope or the future. I’ll never be happy again. I’m going to be yelled at the rest of my life.
That was what I thought for years. Seriously no hope and had accepted life was suffering & that was that. But things did end up changing.
Clozapine might work for you.
I too feel like I’m fighting a pointless battle. I’m not even convinced that I’m fighting an illness. Only a small part of me thinks that it could be possible. I think you are fighting an illness though, and that some day, you will overcome it.
Not taking it. Anyway got called a whore going back into my apt .
It’s not going to stop the yelling.
If you think it’s not going to get better, it won’t.
If you decide that things will get better and commit 100% to the idea, they will.
Your choice.
Doesn’t matter what I think. I don’t have a choice.
If you’re being yelled at everywhere then it’s probably voices from schizophrenia, lets face it. And Clozapine might be able to stop that.
Not taking ■■■■ that ■■■■■ with my white blood cells . I can barely take a blood lab. No what I need is to gosleep in a out in the country. I won’t hear ■■■■ but the locusts and crickets to
It gets better for many, many, people. I’ve seen so many people get better.
I thought I was hopeless for a long time: i thought it was hopeless when I spent a year in a group home when I was 19 and I first got diagnosed. I got kicked out of there and within a month I was in a psychiatric hospital where I ended up staying for 8 months I felt like giving up in there all the time. But I got out and things slowing started getting better. Within a year I was deemed stable.
I don’t believe in a full recovery but I know people get better. You’re not going to come out of your current state and be perfectly normal, happy and symptom free. Schizophrenia ain’t like that.
But some kind of relief is entirely possible. I’ve had problems similar to yours. I used to freak out about neighbors but not as bad as I used to. But four years ago I was calling my family every week to complain and tell them all the bad things the neighbors were doing to me. My family told me a zillion times that most of the problems were in my head. It would help for a day or two and then the paranoia would come rushing back and I wanted revenge against my neighbors. But I got better.
I have some neighbor problems now too but I don’t need to call my sisters every week to rant and complain, it’s manageable. I’m usually content in my apartment and I enjoy the peace that inevitably comes.
Right now I’m sitting at the table in my kitchen sipping a diet soda
No ones bugging me and it’s peaceful and in a few minutes I’m going to make a call to solve a computer problem. The apartment is clean and I have a day to kill and I am caught up on my responsibilities so I have a little breathing room to pick and choose what I want to do today. My case of schizophrenia was severe in the beginning but now I’m a hundred times better then when I was 19.
It gets better. It does. Honestly.
I’m praying I get better . I don’t believe it’s my meds. I think it’s my mind and I have to change my thinking. My bf hugged me. Thanks y’all for trying to help me see things. I’ll still argue with it.
Same here, but things got better.
@roxanna dear you still haven’t changed your meds with the pdoc…you promised me you would go if it’s worse…no you say you’re hopeless…aren’t you listening to a word I say? GO TO THE HOSPITAL.
I changed my meds with pdoc 21st of August. Upped mg of latuda. Then the haldol 1mg. I’m okay.
I am hopeless. 15@515@515
well it sounds like 1 mg wasn’t enough…have it upped again…keep trying to work with your pdoc…we will get you stable.
If you believe in this so it will be, start believing other way
Haldol is far too low. I take 60mg haldol and I used to take 80mg along with other two antipsychotics