Does it get better

Why do i feel like this every day. Last time i was in the hospital was 3 months ago for 3 days. I feel like crap and nothing brings me hapiness its every day all the time. I just want to hear that it gets better

If you accept the help offered by doctors (I trust them today, I didn’t used to at all) and make a deliberate effort to find the right life, whether it’s reading all day on disability or watching sports or winning the olympics, you will suffer less.

My situation got better once I started studying psychology and complying with treatment. I was at rock bottom with a pack of cigs, a bottle of fireball and a lethal body (that much I wasn’t giving up at 19) hallucinating my ass off when I decided that I was done. I had just finished my freshman year as an honors neuroscience major. I knew what I was doing with the drinking and smoking and excessive exercise. That’s a scary place to be in and a scary place to live.

So I moved. I got on meds, cut the binge drinking out, switched to psychology and well this weekend I applied to six Ph.D. programs in clinical psychology and today I presented my thesis at a symposium, among other things like a workout, class, and studying a bit for a test.

One thing is weird about that story. I’m an intellectual and an athlete. That’s just me. Don’t think that’s normal for us. I’m deviant within the population of people with schizophrenia. I was a fighter and a student at an international secondary school when the illness hit me.

So find what works for you. It can be anything as long as it’s not destructive. I mean if you want to collect clocks and work isn’t for you, then collect clocks and don’t work. It doesn’t matter what the life is, it matters that you live it and that it satisfies you. You see what I’m saying?

It sounds like you have some major depression going. Have you tried anti depressants? Maybe you need a new doctor. Do you trust the one you have now? Is he/she willing to change up your drug regime? I had a bad doctor for quite a long time. He was completely unwilling to try anything new so I was just in a sick holding pattern.

It is possible to get better. How much better depends on you. There are limits that everyone reaches, but that doesn’t mean you should give up. I have a BA in general business. I’m still looking for a job but a lot of that has to do with the fact I can’t get a car.

Have you tried finding something to do? I’m at home all the time because I don’t have a car and it’s driving me batty. Try to get out of the house for an your every day even if it’s just to walk around town. Do you have any hobbies like writing or painting?

Yes, it gets better. It’s not forever.