Is it possible?

I am on one another forum and they see that I don’t do fine since years…and they don’t understand this… one woman told me that all the schizophrenics that she met are doing better one day or another…and she doesn’t understand my case…yes…it makes me feel lonelier than I am…
my last friend who is also schizophrenic says also that I am a bad case…yeah,honestly,i am fed up to hear this all the time…I should learn to protect myself better :(…

It’s taken me years to function this well. But another episode throws me back years of progress. Never give up. Keep fighting. Everyone is different and has a different path to walk.

ok,thanks comatose. but they are hard… they only nourish my anguish and my envie of not being well when they talk to me like this…yes,i feel bad since 13 years,maybe more…and I almost don’t go outside…am I so alone in this? the best that I can do is not to listen to others but I am worried…13 years of isolation for me,thats the truth yes…

Try breaking the isolation. Only you can do it. Nobody else can break your isolation.

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