Is it possible to overdose on antipsychotics?

How dangerous is it? (I have abilify in mind, but the question extends to other APs as well).


I hope u don’t do it, you’re a nice person. And life can get better

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hopefully you don’t have those awful thoughts in mind, I hope youre doing well, if you have awful thoughts in mind get yourself checked in to a psych hospital


I’ve been at hospital for a month now. I guess the best place for me.


I think it would take Alot. And probably not kill you. It’s not worth thinking about. You’d probably just end up in hospital having to get your stomach pumped. Getting liver damage. It’d be super unpleasant.


Why are you asking? Are you feeling suicidal?

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I’m in hospital due to my depression with suicidal ideation. The nurse gave me something to help me navigate through the night.


Let them know you’re still suicidal. It sounds like you still need more help. I’m glad you’re in hospital.


If they were to give you a super high does you could get nms.

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Tardive dyskinesia probably? It’s a bad idea :frowning: don’t do that please

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Yes. But it depends upon what you call overdose. If you ingest too much, you will probably get sick to your stomach and throw up the excess.

Antipsychotics are tranquilizers and can stop respiration (breathing) if you take enough. How much is different for every person and whether they are tolerant to antipsychotics from long usage.

If you are trying to do yourself harm, then get with a friend or counselor and work through it.

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Please don’t do it.
You are an amazing person.

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