I don’t show it… That’s on purpose. But lately I’ve been having thoughts of hurting myself, or just ending it altogether. I don’t have the courage right now to act on these thoughts. But maybe tomorrow. I don’t know. I do know this: No hospital for me!
Why are you so opposed to going to the hospital?
I’m seeing my doctor on thursday.
That’s good. It’s almost here. Do you feel like you’ll be safe until then?
Sometimes the bad health of people that are close to you can affect your mood or your condition. Don’t fall into it! You can stay safe
I’ll be fine. I’m seeing the doctor on Thursday, I’m not acting on any thoughts of self harm or suicide until after I see her. And I’ll tell her that I’m having these thoughts. If she wants to commit me that’s fine, but I’m not going to the hospital today.
Hang in there @Sooner88 . There’s a chance your actually off meds right now. You’ve finished your old med, then there was a gap and you’ve just started a therapeutic dose of abilify.
It could take a whole month for things to stabilise. Things should be much better then.
Yeah hang in there @Sooner88
It takes some time before the effects start to kick in.
Abilify is a slow moving drug.
Well what’s something that starts working quickly???
Haldol acts quickly.
Risperdal is also a pretty fast acting drug
Some of the typicals like Haldol are also fast acting
Tried Haldol, tried Risperdal, tried Invega, tried Latuda, tried Seroquel, now trying Abilify.
Since you’ve got a couple of days until you see your pdoc, can you write down your symptoms, your concerns and questions about treatment options, etc. for your pdoc? That way you’ve prepared in advance for your pdoc appointment and can get the most out of it.
Haldol could help keep the lid on while abilify kicks in. But I’m not a doctor, I’m just thinking what I’d do if I was in your situation.
But don’t do anything stupid. Talk to your doctor on the 29th. If hospital is the safest place for you, according to them, then go. Hospital is no big deal.
I get kinda mad over this.
I’m a 47 year old woman with sz
And two disabled kids
Targeted and tortured all my adult life
What’s your problem?
I’m not gonna write you an essay on my personal struggles, Daze. Get over it.
All of us are born to live
Born to be alive
I learned that from my son
In intensive care
@Sooner88 don’t hurt yourself…
you’re a cool guy, in my eyes!
You have a real fighting spirit Daze. That’s how you successfully raised two disabled kids as a single mom.
Not everyone has the same ability to pick themselves up and to keep fighting. They may need a helping hand or a kind word. And that’s OK too.
Every soccer game basketball game track meet softball game
Be tough Beth
but yeah I agree