Is it insomnia?

Can i get some advice please, is it insomnia if you frequently stay awake 24 hrs+ unable to sleep and then sleep is at wrong times after that?

My sleep keeps getting messed up through racing thoughts /anxiety

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Yes it is insomnia. My sleep is messed up too. I’m wake all night now and sleep all day.

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Its feels so messed up its awful. I had a doctors appointment and ive cancelled it twice because of insomnia. I don’t know what to do because insomnia is becoming every few weeks, lasting days. Its getting worse despite im doing all the right things

I use alarm clock
Im not online before bed
I take diazapam which is supposed to help relax

Nothing working

I get so anxious before appointments i end up cancelling like dentist, hairdresser, doctors

Im awake now for depot in 2 hours and been up all night and all yesterday ie 24 hrs

The medicine causes it after a while. You need to talk to your dr.

Right i never thought of that, ill say next time, thanks

It’s a mixture of sleep hygiene and insomnia by the sounds of it

Had this problem for a very long time

Nothing helped until I was put on Clozapine

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When i was on clozapine twice, first time my heartbeat was irregular then 2nd time i had swollen feet and ankles. Theres no way I’d go back on that

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That sucks

We just increased the dose and drooling in sleep is back and on three different constipation meds

My heart rate is very fast when I am inactive

Had to switch off the warning my watch was picking up throughout the day

They offered a med for it but I said no

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Oh im sorry to hear that, i hope you can work something out with your psychiatrist

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I wish there was a med with less side effects

My insomnia is every few weeks so not all the time

Ive no idea what my diabetes and cholesterol are like because i haven’t had any bloodwork, overdue

I thought it was every few weeks but i just checked my diary and its every week since July this year, wtf

sounds exactly like insomnia, it is what i am dealing with right now, as well. swing schedule, incomplete sleep, etc…

i don’t know how to treat it, personally. taking a sleeping pill or syrup helps for one or two nights, then you get sorta used to it, or even worse you might get dependent on it. so i’m always really wary about sleeping aids.

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my personal advice is a little strange, but it works for me: sleeping somewhere that isn’t your own bed. a guest room maybe, the couch. anything but your own room. if that isn’t possible for you, then maybe you could wash your sheets and add a blanket or two… to help with the anxiety. weight is very helpful for it

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Thanks @Stars
Im asking for some zopiclone because i was looking in my diary and every week almost since July insomnia
I have 4 or 5 bad nights a week ive wrote it down it just never occurred to me that it was every week?
So yep , think i need sleepers
Funny you should mention those tips but there not my thing i dislike weighted blankets and sleeping on the sofa isn’t an option.
Thanks though, i hope you get sorted too!

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Thinking of coming off my depot meds altogether im just sick of this?

Ive taken my meds, insomnia is with me again tonight. Another 24 hours awake its getting old already. Anyone else can’t sleep?