Is it a delusion if you have doubts?

If I suspect that someone is messing with me in sinister ways from a hidden location it can sound silly, but at the same time I can think it’s still possible because I’ve pissed off some people in the past.

Is that a delusion?

Sometimes I am 99% sure, and have 1% doubts.
It’s still a delusion, I think

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Thanks for the reply. I do have doubts. But wait until you see the silly parts.

  • Someone using a drone to light an explosive firework in my yard
  • Silent calls and silent voicemail
  • Watching me from windows
  • Having the same car as me
  • Following where I drive and taking a picture with flash
  • Driving by my house when I leave
  • Yelling and taunting at my window
  • Calling my number just to take a bong rip and laugh

Some of those can be true experiences that I’m misinterpreting. Others I’m not sure. The part about someone from my past messing with me is what’s hard to shake because I know I can hold a grudge.

But I wouldn’t troll someone like I feel is happening to me.

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