Confused about delusions

Do you have delusions that part of you knows aren’t true?

If part of you knows their not true but you still believe them are they still delusions?

I’m so confused :confused:


I’ve heard that they’re not delusions if you’re not fully convinced of it. But yea I’m kinda curious as to what it is then if it’s not that. Ex;
“That guy might be part of the FBI and he’s watching me. Wait that sounds really illogical and I’m 98% sure that that’s not the case.”

Since I’m not convinced it can’t technically be a delusion, right? But surely it’s still not healthy thinking to just immediately think stuff like that fairly regularly, even if you can tell if it makes sense or not.

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My son has delusions where he is serious about investing and says he has billions of dollars to go into his account as well wants to buy expensive properties. Then there are times when he is no longer having the delusion and has said that he doesn’t like thinking he has money when he really doesn’t and is upset that he thinks this way.
I would like to understand how to best support him. I usually go along with it to a point. It say to him not to involve me. But it’s when he realises he has been delusional is when I’d like to know how to be there for him.
Sending hugs to you and your journey to be a safe one.

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I have a delusion that I’m struggling with right now. On one hand I know it can’t be true but on the other hand I still believe it. So I think it’s still considered a delusion. A delusion with insight.


Good topic!

It was recently explained to me that delusions can include not believing what other people say.

I suspect people of deception much of the time. Maybe it’s because I deceive others as well so often. I try to please everyone and like anything, it takes its toll.

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