I was thinking about asking my pdoc to switch my risperadal to haldol and was wondering has it been a good med for anyone
Haldol is a VERY potent dopamine blocker and long term use can cause a high likelihood of movement disorders in some. Others absolutely go for it. Just have your doctor give you something to alleviate akathisia or tremor when he/she prescribes it, I’d say. It can be a harsh ap to adjust to as well as it is first gen.
Why do you want to make the switch?
I was on haldol and it was good but it started to make me shake badly. My right leg would shake too. It helped with sleep at first but then for some reason I had trouble sleeping after awhile. It helped me lose weight too I wasn’t like starving and eating everything in sight while I was on it. It worked pretty quickly but i got off it because of some reason I can’t remember. People will tell you good things and bad things it effects us all differently but maybe try it! Maybe it’ll work well for you
because i have gained about 70 pounds on it and it really hasnt helped that much with my symptoms. I am on latuda as well and the latuda is really working well
thank you i think i might try it the pdoc brought it up at our last appointment
No problem, Good luck!
I was on the Haldol shot for eight years. It controlled my symptoms well, but it made me feel extremely bad. I laid in bed a lot when I took it. I think that the majority of people who take it feel bad on it. Haldol killed my imagination, too. I could not write at all when I was on it. I infinitely prefer Geodon and Seroquel to Haldol. The med’s can affect people differently, though. I talked to one guy who found Geodon hard to tolerate, and Haldol had no unpleasant side effects for him. Go figure.
did it make you gain wieght? Cause i gained 70 pounds on risperdal
I’ve been on Haldol the last couple months. The only side effect I see is sleeping more.
Have you gained a lot of weight on it?
I’ve gained a lot of weight in general. I don’t think any more than usual on haldol.
I have seen it work like magic for some really ill people. Like others have said it has quite a big side effect profile - but you get lucky and be just fine on it. Speak to your doc about it.
It worked for me after a month of taking it but it made me gain a bunch of weight. It also made my eyes roll back in my head alot. I tried geodon after gaining the weight and it works without the side effects and immediately. For me, anyway.
I am on 3 mg of Haldol a night. I put on a lot of weight on Risperdal, Invega and amisulpride but have stayed static on Haldol. It makes me sleepy though. I like it and have had no shaking problems at this small dose. It gets rid of all my voices and paranoia. My balance feels out somewhat with it but that happened on all aps.
I was on risperidone, I gained weight while on it. I’m on Haldol and latuda. I’ve been on latuda for almost 4 years. I’ve only been on Haldol for about a year. I haven’t gained weight on it. but I have noticed a twitch in my legs. My old doc put me on a med for the twitches but it isn’t working.
If you’re thinking about Haldol, think about Perphenazine . . .
2 Cents
Perphenazine, or Trilafon, worked Ok for me but made me feel depressed when I tried to up the dosage. Funnily enough the Pdoc asked me try Haldol. It does not make me depressed and no EPS, but mainly because I am on a low dose.
Haldol is the WORST med ive ever talen. I gained 70 pounds in just 3 months and got terrible parkinsonism. If i was forced to take an old antipsycotic, i would not take haldol.
If youre wery psycotiv, it is wery potent, but other than taking away positive sympt its a bad drug. I was taking16 mg, when i was on it.
For further information, consider these personal accounts: drugs.com/comments/haloperidol/