Is death the end of story?

That’s deep.
Hydrogen and oxygen must combust to make water.

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I think that a materialistic view of reality suggests that atoms are recycled and some are converted into energy. At the end of I think 4 years your cells have completely changed (this could be bunk it might be 8 years, but generally its a true statement) So I think reincarnation is a real thing, in a material sense. In go atoms out go atoms. And in a way that means the earth is it currently stands is in a sense the after life. In some ways you can exit the cycle, but in many ways, you can’t. Generally I get hung up not on the concept of death, but on the concept of dying being a process that might be quite traumatizing and that it would be a grueling process that will at the end leave me utterly spent and I have no recourse but to go through it. Its that fear, that makes me think a quick death and some form of euthanasia should be an option if at the end of my years, I’m utterly frightened that at any moment I will slog through a grueling death I want the relief of knowing I can end my suffering in a more humane process.

I’m not religious and I like to think there is something like a soul that is who you are apart from the physical universe. Whether that “soul” gets put into another vessel or moves on to a different plane for another purpose I don’t know. I DO NOT believe that “soul” will move on to be burned and tortured forever .

You return to being part of a star.

Anyway you look at it you change levels of energy.

Even in this universe. It’s so gawdamn big but you affect the planet ever, ever so slightly. I like to think that when I leave this planet besides the thought connections I make with others, my energy enters into the mass of energy which is the universe…

It’s nice to affect the universe with my spunky energy!

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Maybe you wake up to a fancy dream and stay there cause you love it.:wink:

I think consciousness is an illusion and doesn’t exist in any real form aside from the workings of our mind. When the mind does so goes everything else

I do have another view that goes that we are already dead and just remembering our lives as we move thru time.

Death is only the beginning

When we have conscious computers are they going to have an afterlife too?

I believe that human beings have a soul, and that we were created by a higher power, and that makes us different than all other species and things like AI.


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