I want to be bodybuilder im taking supplements and im on a diet. I want to look at this at end at year of 2021. Do you think i can do it.
let me see, you thinks so, i want be rip and shredded at end of 2021 im going to work really hard.
If you enlarge the pic, you can see that you don’t have to be that fit for women to like you.
Im not doing for women to like me, im doing because i want to be rip, swole and shredded i think its cool. I always wanted look like that.
That’s your prerogative then.
I find working out annoying. Only doing it for attractiveness, and it turns out you don’t need to do it much to peak that out.
it’s a lot of eating and kitchen time, and time sitting in the bathroom. then working out and sleeping. i want to be ripped but not that big so i don’t have a huge food requirement each day.
yea im not doing for women im doing because look freaking crazy looking im excited to look like that i look like a beast.
bodybuilding is not that hard, just train hard with intensity, eat protein and vegetables, dont eat that much calories, stay dedicated, take supplements like creatine, preworkouts. I was newbie too, you learn as you go.
I am into bodybuilding because a healthy body is good for functioning and social status.
I have a problem buying a home gym because it is currently out of stock.
I hope the stock will be replenished asap and I can start strength training.
thats nice, hope you can get one soon.
I’m a bodybuilder and future president of ireland
what, future president of ireland?
Ive done both bodybuilding and powerlifting and put them both together I was a natural @ 94kg and 184cm tall could bench over 500 pounds squate 300kg etc but my bodybuilding days are over that was about 9 years ago I know alot about weight lifting it is hard work.
if want that body you have to earn it, no shortcuts in bodybuilder, thats why i love it. is all hardwork.
I recommend not taking steroids they are unhealthy.
I always wanted a body like Bruce Lee. Not overly muscley, but sculpted and built.
I am his height, so if I was younger I’d aim for that.
i dont take steriods thats fking stupid, why do you need that.
They have killed alot of bodybuilders and even more health issues with others you cant get close to looking like a pro bodybuilder without them though Im talking about those guys who compete in mr olympia etc.