Involuntary Hand/Body Movements

Anyone experience this as a symptom? I sometimes do.

You need to tell your pdoc asap! It can be tardive dyskinesia


I’ll have to research that. And I’m meeting with a nurological doctor in a few days for the issue.

It’s a very serious issue. Can be permanent

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That does not sound good at all. I’m glad I made my appointment for Tuesday! Thanks for your input on this topic. I had no idea that these symptoms had a name.

It can be from the illness or the meds. I had it before meds, and it went away. I moved my jaw involuntarly.

Sounds rough. I clap my hands and swing my arms sometimes.

Oh! Alright, I thought it was another thing. That doesn’t sound like td, but best to see that neurologist.

Totally. I just hope they don’t order another EEG. I can’t stand still that long! Lol

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Well, best of luck!! :slight_smile:

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Thanks so much!

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