Handwaving and lip smacking

I can’t seem to stop waving my right hand, wiggling my toes, and grinding my teeth. Should I call my provider? have you ever had this? what do you recommend?

You should show your dr. Could be tardive dyskinesia.

have you had something similar, will he switch my med?

I’ve never had it. But I know they often switch meds if this happen. My nurse told me this. I believe they have medication that can treat it as well. I keep seeing this commercial about how tardive is treatable.

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The meds for extrapyrimidal symptoms is cheap, like I take benztropine and it works. But I don’t have tardive dyskinesia which is permanent and I’m so glad because that medicine is really expensive

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I would call your doc, sounds like TD to me.

Yeah, sounds like TD. If caught in it’s early stages it can be reversed or stopped from getting worse.

What also comes to mind is that when my doc was switching my meds around, he tried Abilify on me. I started pushing my hair off my forehead repetively. I didn’t attribute that to the Abilify, in fact, I didn’t think the hair pushing meant anything at first until a counselor pointed out that I was doing it a lot during our meeting. That brought it to my attention and I told my doc and he stopped the Abilify and the hair pushing stopped.

Contact your doctor ASAP.
Sounds like it could be TD.

Cogentin is good for tardive dyskinesia too. Is it mild or strong? I have slightly restless legs sometimes so i just go through. not too annoying.

I am also grinding my teeth. But only when any intrusive thoughts come in my mind and i write it on teeth. TD is false movements of body parts,as i know. In SZ i had never heard voices in my ears.

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