hello, i am currently on 30 mg aripiprazole a day split up into two doses of 20 and 10, with the evening dose i take 50mg fluvoxamine. i’m going up to 100 of the fluvoxamine to try and improve intense anxiety. fluvoxamine increases aripiprazole concentration 30-40%, would it make sense for me to reduce my dose of aripiprazole to 25 as i increase my dose of fluvoxamine which i recently started about a week ago. basically i would be on the same dose or slightly higher of ariipiprazole while the fluvoxamine was in my system.
how long does fluvoxamine take to begin having some effect on anxiety and ocd?
i find myself worrying and obsessing all the time and it makes the aripiprazole side effect of anxiety that much worse.
i really wanna cut down that morning abilify dose to 15, so 25 in total. i feel like 20mg is too much, it sedates me in the morning… does your abilify sedate you?
i really envy people with normal brains, they dont have to have chemicals constantly jerking them around and making them feel terrible. maybe we would be better off on lower doses or no meds at all.
It’s supposed to be activating in lower doses and sedating in higher doses. That’s been my experience. I was originally on 20mg years ago, then 10mg, now 15mg. 20mg turned me into a zombie though.